What do you think I'm worth?

1 Answer

Answer :

The pounds indicates that you are in England so it would be better for English people to weigh in but I think my son paid around $1,500 for something equivalent to package number 1. There is a sibling question to the right that might help you.

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Last Answer : Crap. That’s a tough one I’ll be pondering for a while.

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Last Answer : There certainly is software designed to find duplicate files. take your pick

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Last Answer : You could also easily fake this by shooting the photo through a window, and having the UFO model visible as a reflection. Which would fit in this case, because the sky and some stars are visible through the “UFO”.

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Last Answer : Yes. I actually know a lot about this as I am an astrophotographer-it is my primary hobby. This is the wrong forum for this though. For a relatively lightly traveled forum that I frequent go to ... link to an image? (I changed my avatar to a narrowband image I acquired and processed last year)

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Last Answer : Clear skies and cold here. Waiting for totality.

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Last Answer : I'm an Android baby who has NO desire to switch!!! Have you considered the Samsung Note??? Other than that, the best I can tell you is that my BFF & her hubby are both Android & iPad users. I'm ... you won't even need to carry an extra gadget as your phone will do almost ALL of it. Just saying!!!

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Last Answer : I take most of mine with my iPhone and have an iCloud account so they are backed up automatically.

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Last Answer : Snapseed has a sharpening feature, but it’s always hard to sharpen something that wasn’t sharp to begin with. Not sure how that works with faded photos though. Worth a try, I would say.

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Last Answer : Slapped a COPYRIGHT right across the picture!

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Last Answer : How do you reach out? What medium do you use to communicate? I think, in business cases, it's always best to, at least, communicate these arrangements, and everything that hangs with it, through ... case that all goes haywire, you have proof (I would think). Verbal agreements are harder to proof.

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Last Answer : I make architectural visualisations, if that counts.

Description : Is this client asking too much?

Last Answer : No, it's not rude and they are being unprofessional by breaking two previous appointments. I would tell them I'm available during business hours (or whatever yours are) and happy to ... further cancellations without charge either. *Put that cancellation fee without 24 hour notice in your contracts!

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Last Answer : All the geotagging data is just a coordinate, I believe. If you are able to look at the data accompanying an image that is able to save the data in the file along with the image I bet it’s just global coordinates.