Laundry emergency -- red and white, oh no! Please HELP?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:A quick google search rendered this: How do I fix pink laundry? Pink seems to be the most dreaded color to find on white underwear but I’ve also seen whites turned blue or gray depending on what accidentally gets mixed into the white load. The first thing to do is find the culprit and pull it out. Then rewash all the whites using a nonchlorine bleach or a cup of white distilled vinegar in addition to your regular laundry detergent. Do this BEFORE you put the clothes in the dryer. This is why clothes should be sorted. Just because something hasn’t faded before doesn’t mean it never will. Sometimes it takes several washings before dyes begin to wash out and cling to the unsuspecting! Here’s another link with even more ideas

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Last Answer : answer:If there is any chance it is ball point pen ink hair spray will take it out. When the pants are dry spray hair spray let sit for 30 seconds, and then rinse. It doesn’t work on other types of ink or marker. Peroxide will leave a bleach stain. Unless the garment is white I wouldn’t use it.

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