Could you eat mold to fight an infection?

1 Answer

Answer :

Try grinding it up and boiling it. This might also be the time to start praying.

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Last Answer : The Genus Stachybotrys: What You Should Know Stachybotrys is sometimes called toxic black mold because it produces mycotoxins that can cause severe health problems to those who have been ... to it. Stachybotrys exposure symptoms include difficulty breathing, sinusitis, fatigue, and even depression.

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Last Answer : Have it done by certified professionals, your house possessions may already have the mold. Each piece may need to be inspected.

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Last Answer : It would probably vary from state to state. Check your local landlord-tenant act.

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Last Answer : Toss it. I find that cheese hardens before it molds, and rock hard cheese isn’t appetizing to me – nor is green mold on my food.

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Last Answer : answer:… Did you know that it had mold on it and eat it purposefully? Anyways here’s a neat video that talks about food mold.

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Last Answer : Toss them. All the other ones have mold on them. It just isn’t visible yet. And take them back to where you bought them to get your money back.

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Last Answer : Did the doctor give you anything for the “skin infection”? Maybe you should find another doctor-I would.

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Last Answer : sounds like mold or fungus............fruit & nut trees need dormant oil in the fall.........right might try to wash that off with a strong hose.....not a power ... oil until the buds appear......after that I don't use the spray, I would changeover to the safe soap method.

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Last Answer : Im so helpful