What's your favorite PHP integrated development environment (IDE)?

1 Answer

Answer :

If I did PHP development, I’d probably use Coda: http://www.panic.com/coda/

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Last Answer : I either find open source projects that are already completed, or I program it out myself. If you are looking for a reliable programmer you are going to be paying a lot of money and probably be put on a ... wants to just put his own logo and things on it I don't see the point in making another.

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Last Answer : Maybe a Ning network?

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Last Answer : Ruby. Maybe Python. Avoid PHP at all costs.

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Last Answer : You might enjoy this story.

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Last Answer : Grammatical errors in program language are usually called syntax errors. For example: misspellings , commas , no brackets, etc.

Description : Can you help with a website development problem? (php, sql)

Last Answer : You could do it either way, whichever is more comfortable for you. I would go the MySQL route because for me it helps keep the code cleaner, and doesn't require lots of filesystem access by the php ... bet would probably to read up on PHP's filesystem functions: http://us3.php.net/function.file hth

Description : What program is good for PHP development on Mac?

Last Answer : answer:We use Eclipse (with the PDT plugin) where I work, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. The thing it does that I find indispensable is allow you to follow method references into the ... formatter. I find it helpful for quickly looking up the order of parameters and other arcana of PHP.