Newspapers and magazines - What do you think about this paragraph?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I love stuff like this…used to drive myself crazy thinking about these types of questions and love finding out the answers. I have seen this before and I will take a long walk off a short pier and let others ponder this over! GQ!

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Last Answer : I cannot be very helpful other than to suggest that you examine the stories that are published; reading them carefully will give you a good idea of what is considered acceptable. You can also estimate the word count.

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Last Answer : answer:Are you familiar with Make Magazine? I would also think looking at inventors you admire and reading about their process would be eye opening. Other than that I think inventing is just ... Where you go from there kind of depends on what sort of problems naturally attract your attention.

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Last Answer : “Weird” is too nebulous a term. Can you bring yourself to throw any out? If not, you may be on the road to hoarding or obsessive behavior or simply love magazines. !00 isn’t bad if you can still navigate through your bedroom.

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Last Answer : I got 13 of them right.

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Last Answer : Here is a list.

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Last Answer : People go in and out of hospitals and don’t usually spread the germs so I would think books and magazines would be okay. I hope all goes well for you.

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Last Answer : They are usually embedded within a squad just to take pictures. Soldiers usually don’t mind.

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Last Answer : answer:What type of writing are you primarily interested in publishing? This plays a significant role in where you should look. Some magazines put out calls for only non-fiction, some want short stories ... you need to jump on is writing cover letters. I'm terrible at writing cover letters still.

Description : What website can i get free magazines sent to me home?

Last Answer : Great question. Have you tried the public library? Mine offers many free magazines which are brought in by other patrons.

Description : What magazines are 19-23 year-olds reading these days?

Last Answer : I don’t believe they read much as they are too busy online. The girls are still reading Cosmo and Elle of course.

Description : Are caricatures in magazines not hand-drawn these days?

Last Answer : answer:I think it's rare for much of anything to be done by hand these days, even masturbation. As for whether it has less artistic merit, I don't think so. See, it still takes a good eye, a good ... Computers do not create; they are a tool to help create, much like a brush, a chisel, or a guitar.

Description : Which online art film magazines, blogs are the top rated?

Last Answer :

Description : Any good kids' magazines for our 5 year old?

Last Answer : Nick jr. are very good for little kids.

Description : Where can I find magazines posted online?

Last Answer : Have you tried just googling the magazine you want to see?

Description : What are some good fitness magazines to subscribe to?

Last Answer : I think it will depend on your fitness preference and interest as there are body building, running, hiking, new age health etc. magazines. Mens Health is a great publication and will cover the whole gamut at some point in the year.

Description : Do you keep your design magazines?

Last Answer : My husband has every Automobile magazine (literally the magazine is called Automobile, not that he has a variety of auto magazines, it is a monthly magazine) as far back as 1986. I keep architectural digest, and some other related magazines when I buy them, but I don’t have many, maybe 8).

Description : Why do magazines do this?

Last Answer : In care there is something in the magazine like an activity or a tv show you might want to record at least you have time to set your DVR…

Description : Can you recommend some other quirky, arty, decorating magazines?

Last Answer : i’m not sure what any of those are but there’s this awesome website and it’s mostly artists who sell their work but i have found it inspiring in the past!

Description : What are some favorite magazines that are read by the members of Fluther?

Last Answer : Cosmo.

Description : What are the main women's fashion magazines?

Last Answer :

Description : Is it ok to take magazines from lobbies?

Last Answer : If you’re a thief then yeah :) I think if the mag is like all torn up and 3 months out of date then maybe, but still. Go buy your own!

Description : Does anybody know where I can get back issues of magazines?

Last Answer : If you just want to read them, not own them, try the library.

Description : Why are gossip magazines so popular?

Last Answer : Because of nosy people like me :)