Have you ever had so many good things happen to you all at once that it leaves you stressed and irritable?

1 Answer

Answer :

Maybe you were experiencing happiness overload, if there is such a thing. Take a deep breath and enjoy the stress and worries that has been lifted from your shoulders.

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Last Answer : answer:It's a nice thing to do and that was generally the practice where I worked. They might also be getting you something and I think, just in terms of office politics and protocols, it will be ... 're new there you might want to ask someone in HR what the gift giving policies and protocols are.

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Last Answer : If you are spoiled and unimaginative, perhaps you might think of what someone else might like, and give your gift to a less spoiled person. It might begin to make you less spoiled, and you can ... bank, or toys for needy children. You could pick them out and deliver them yourself. How about that?

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Last Answer : answer:As far as I can recall, Apple has never raided prices on existing models of iPods prior to the holidays ( or any other time I can remember.) It’s more likely that they will release a 16GB iPhone and drop prices on existing models. I would wait a month or so.

Description : What'd ya get for Christmas?

Last Answer : ew why in the world would you want a ps3 lol. My favorites were a really comfy hoodie and all four seasons of “The Pretender” on dvd

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Last Answer : It is because you are the only one you can blame for your pain, and since we don’t want to blame outselves, we look to turn our frustration outward with anger.

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Last Answer : Xanax is like that if she is taking it with another prscribed drug like zoloft then she may not need the Xanax until she's stressed. My husband takes both he doesn't need the Xanax until something triggers ... she's addicted. Some dr. Say to only take it when it is extreamly needed. Hope that helps.

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Last Answer : Productivity. I work best under stress.

Description : What would taking AdderAll or Concerta do to someone who is extremely stressed and who has a lot of things on their mind?

Last Answer : Most definitely. Those drugs, bluntly, are speed. They will increase your amount of stress exponentially. (I know because I have been in this state of mind and under the influence of these substance ... under stress feels like taking something to help them, it should be a sedative, not a stimulant.

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Last Answer : Ans.ABA

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Last Answer : (d) ensure that all leaves are uniformly stressed during loading

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Description : How far can I raise my test scores, from going on a low FODMAP diet for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

Last Answer : How are we supposed to be able to answer this? Keep up the good work and let us know how you are doing. You have nothing to lose and stand to gain in health and getting into a university. Are you still planning to go to a university? How many years has it been?

Description : Can eating a peppermint candy help with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)?

Last Answer : No. Candy is candy, IBGard is a way of delivering peppermint oil. Chewing altoids as an alterntaive will probably just give you heartburn,

Description : Can a person with Irritable Bowel Syndrome still obtain a six pack/toned abs through exercise?

Last Answer : answer:Of course! In fact, working out will boost metabolism and burn fat. IBS is a condition with the stomach organ and not so much the actual stomach. People can reverse IBS with a conscious diet as ... I've battled IBS, sometimes I win, but other times I cave into spicy, and processed foods :X

Description : Do you have experience with Irritable/Inflamed Bowel Syndrome and what relieves your symptoms (diarreah)?

Last Answer : Well I've come to the point where immediately after my first meal of the day, that time comes. Bananas and things with fiber greatly help. What's more than that though, is avoiding ... -oxidants as well. Anti Oxidants literally restore damaged cells and something must be damaged with his insides.

Description : Apparently, Wellbutrin makes one have anger issues (more irritable). Anyone else on (or those who have been on) Wellbutrin experience this?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I don't take it anymore, but when I did I noticed certain things people said set me off like they never did before. My father playfully insulted me once and I had to ... aren't any negative side effects (unless you consider increased libido and decreased appetite to be negative).

Description : I'm extremely irritable. What gives?

Last Answer : Have you gotten laid lately? I’m not offering haha

Description : How long does it take when you quit smoking to stop being irritable and bad tempered?

Last Answer : Perhaps you would benefit from creating the half-habit of not smoking. My mother-in-law put three cigarettes in an ashtray every morning, and for every one she didn't smoke at the end of the day, she took ... cold turkey, it seems to take about 30 days for it to kick in. It is okay to be irritable.

Description : Is there a syndrome for hungry men that become irritable?

Last Answer : Hypoglycemia; not limited to men.

Description : Is there a name for when people get irritable/impatient when hungry?

Last Answer : Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia can include irritability and impatience when blood sugar level drops, but hypoglycemia is a disease, not a synonym for "cranky when hungry".

Description : How effective will Unani treatment be for nightmares , weakness of body , loss of appetite , nausea , irritable mood ?

Last Answer : Yes, if you take Hamdard medicine, then you have to take it regularly for 2/3 months, then you will get rid of the problem. In fact, Unani medicine works slowly. However, there are no ... . Due to which you are facing this problem. So skip masturbation first. Take treatment and stay healthy.