How do you decide which friends to gift?

1 Answer

Answer :

I talk with them, and we decide if we are exchanging gifts. With a couple of friends, we agree that, instead of gifts, we go to a nice dinner together.

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Last Answer : Hostess gifts: nice candles, hand lotion or hand soap, a fruit basket that you make yourself since this would be cheaper and nicer. Candy or cookies that you have made or bought. I like the idea of movie passes for the family you carpool with.

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Last Answer : Take it and let it become a dust collector and then sell it when she has forgotten all about it.

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Last Answer : It's just a lift. I have given many of my friends lifts places just because it's nice to do that for a friend sometimes. I wouldn't expect anything in return, just their friendship. A chauffeur would surely ... rely on me etc. and same if I was the chauffeur, so long as you inform the driver asap.

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Last Answer : Are you the only one in the group that worries about this? If so, maybe the concern should just be let go. Maybe the price amount should be lowered from $20. Another thought should the tradition be ... What about pooling money (everyone chips in what they want to) and adopt a local family in need.

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Last Answer : Give her something that you made just for her.

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Last Answer : A pound of good coffee. I would suggest Ethiopian Harrar (my current favorite).

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Last Answer : Yes. I’d rather be given money; no card.

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Last Answer : If you went on a date with her, I think maybe she might think of you the same way you think of her. Go with the flowers, but not roses, something less romantic.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. Answer questions. When you see an answer you find especially interesting, insightful, or good in other ways, give them props by tapping the great answer, and post a comment reflecting ... days, and sometimes come off snarky. I hope you will find a happy spot for yourself here.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. I see that at least two other people before me have marked this as a Great Question, and I agree. So if you don't mind - which is just a figure of speech, after all, because it ... skill, so let's see what comes of this question. I sure don't have an answer for you, though.

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Last Answer : Peter Sellers. We had a movie night for six years. We watched Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, and The Pink Panther series. Blank looks if you mention his name.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm bad with numbers. Let me see if I have this straight: Bill and Joe are friends. Bill is your friend, and Joe is not. Bill tells Joe you have feelings for Joe. You've told Bill to knock it ... If this is all correct Bill sounds like a bit of an idiot. Also he probably has a crush on you.

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