Is there such a thing as safe nuclear power?

1 Answer

Answer :

No. Because humans are fallible.

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Last Answer : answer:Japan has long tried to be proactive in regards to earthquakes, and tsunamis. Many of their buildings are made to sway,and there are limitations on how high certain structures can be built. The ... than last time, but if the tsunami is big enough, it would still be cataclysmic, like before.

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Last Answer : answer:Do we depend on robots if the situation gets worse? I would wager if suitable robots were available, they would already be on site.

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Last Answer : I feel the same way about nuclear power that I did before this accident: It is too dangerous for humans to use safely. The consequences of accidents are too dire.

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Last Answer : answer:Robots are still not that smart or dexterous compared to humans. Even tele-robotic (human-controlled) devices are limited in mobility. Not that those tracked robotic vehicles described in the ... , while motors, wiring, and structural elements should function fine unless they melt from heat.

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Last Answer : answer:I doubt this situation is unique to these plants or to Japan. There are plants in the US that are also built near fault lines. I'm not sure outrage is the right response. There has ... these risks outweigh the benefits from using this energy source (which will run out in 100 years anyway)?

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Last Answer : It probably isn’t great for anyone at all, but infants are most likely more susceptible to the radiation in the water.

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Last Answer : So wish I had a good answer :/

Description : A question about "Japanese only" signs in Japan?

Last Answer : When I lived with a Japanese family in Hiroshima for a month in the late 90's, I never encountered any signs like you describe. Things may have changed since then of course, but my general impression ... in WW2. But that was the only time I was there where I ever experienced any open hostility.

Description : Americans and other westerners visiting or living in Japan?

Last Answer : I lived in Japan for 4 years, worked for a big Japanese company which continued after that residency, and speak the language. It's a wonderful country. The people are very friendly. Making an effort to ... teach in the schools and really get to know the culture intimately. I'm available for PM, too.

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Last Answer : This should answer your initial question. Your biggest challenge might be Covid restrictions. ... sounds like you've already done some research on this but it doesn't hurt to do more.

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Last Answer : Having worked in the field of gaming and computer games, one of the main things that continues to stand out to me about tastes in gaming, is that they vary greatly from person to person, not only ... specific Japanese woman's tastes in games, the thing to do would be to ask her that directly.

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Last Answer : If they intend to attack Japan, let Japan deal with it.

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Last Answer : LuckyGuy used to live there. I think he lived in Tokyo though?

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Last Answer : Not sure where you live, but I’m in the NorthEast (where it has been record-breaking cold this winter) and I see the girls at the local Catholic girls’ school in their little skirty uniforms out every day, doing just fine. Where are you getting your information?

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Last Answer : answer:Since when has legislation outlawing an activity ever prevented somebody determined to engage in it? All it does is allow grounds for prosecution if the individual is caught.

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Last Answer : Not helpful, but in English it is “sublimation.”

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Last Answer : Ash from Pokemon. Does that count? It’s the only Japanese animation I ever watched.

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Last Answer : Never.

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Last Answer : Is this what you are looking for?

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Last Answer : answer:No man can say. The Japanese were probably as terrified of a Russian invasion from the west as they were from the American invasion or even nuclear weapons. By 1945 it seemed ... the careless or even deliberate targeting of Axis civilians in bombing raids that occurred throughout the war.

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Last Answer : I just love Japan!

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Last Answer : Maybe ask someone who’s taking some kind of Japanese class, know anyone?

Description : Did the Japanese have time to evacuate or was the tsunami a total surprise?

Last Answer : answer:IIRC, their tsunami warning system gave them about a 30-seconds advance notice. I think the tsunami traveled at about 500 MPH, which means that the tsunami source was about 4 or 5 miles offshore.

Description : Another earthquake has hit Japan, what is going on?

Last Answer : Is it too late to be an aftershock?

Description : Are the Japanese calling the recent catastrophe by any special name? or is it just "the earthquake" and "the tsunami"?

Last Answer : I’ll ask some of my friends over there.

Description : How can the maximum strength of aftershocks after a major earthquake be calculated?

Last Answer : answer: Aftershocks differ from other earthquakes only in that we expect them. Unlike most earthquakes, aftershocks occur within predictable bounds of space, time, and magnitude. They are most ... allow for time-dependent prediction of aftershock probabilities [Reasenberg and Jones, 1989]. Source

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Last Answer : answer:I looked in my crystal ball and the answer is yes! And no! Certainly there's CYA going on, but better safe than sorry. It could be things will get under control in the next ... the Tokyo Electric Company. With uncertainty like that, I think the State Department is just being very cautious.

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Last Answer : answer:Nobody has those answers, yet, exactly, I’m sure. All the prep and planning in the world cannot take into account an actual disaster scenario. Really, there is nothing that can be done except watch things unfold as they will.

Description : Will it do any good to pray to a God the Japanese people don't believe in?

Last Answer : I don’t think it matters what other people call their creator. I believe in one God. I pray to that power for all people and animals safety, health, and strength.

Description : Why does nothing about recent events come up when you search for "Japan" or "earthquake" on fluther?

Last Answer : answer:I saw a few recent ones with “Japan”, but got much better results with Japan + earthquake. Edit: Still, that wasn’t great, either. I know there have been more questions about it than what is coming up. :/

Description : Will Japan's earthquake have an impact on new Toyota automobiles?

Last Answer : I thought that Stateside Toyotas were manufactured domestically. I do not imagine that Toyota proper will fold.

Description : Has the giant whirlpool / swirl in ocean off Japan during tsunami been explained?

Last Answer : I heard the news team say that it was just like when you drain your tub. The water was going in the Earth that had opened up. You did hear that Japan the whole country moved 8 feet from it's old ... ? And that it caused a change in the vibration of the Earth and also in the rotation of our Planet.

Description : Did I read this correctly? The earthquake has moved an island?

Last Answer : That’s what I heard. Also, I heard that the quake was upgrade to a 9.1, making it the fifth largest recorded quake in 120 years. I also heard that Japan can expect aftershocks for at least a week.

Description : What do you guys think about the recent natural disasters?

Last Answer : I think they’re just natural disasters, and they’re tragic. I am worrying about the nuclear power plants in Japan.

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Last Answer : Thanks for the update. We recently had a destructive earthquake down here in NZ and I can tell you that the corruption has already started , from contractors, politicians & insurance companies right down to ... not have as much economic impact as they do if only there was less greed in the world.

Description : Appearance of the Japanese school girl uniform, US navy inspired or not?

Last Answer : answer:The Japanese uniforms are actually based on European formal military wear - the common boys' uniform is an imitation of Prussian military dress, and the girls' is an adaptation of European navy dress ... and have no connection to Uncle Sam cowing the Red Sun (whatever that actually means).

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Last Answer : answer:I have no idea (and am deeply interested in finding out), but in the spirit of Halloween this reminded me of something that happened a couple years ago: I was sitting on a bench at my university ... word. It is, to this day, one of the stranger things that has happened to me at school.

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Last Answer : What do you plan on doing there? Are you just going to be a year-long tourist or will you be a student? The purpose of your visit generally determines how you get a visa.

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Last Answer : That will not be the only issue to do us in…we are lagging on all fronts as our efforts to support higher education and encourage innovation is all but nil anymore. Corporations have drifted their focus away from costly R&D to profits, profits, profits.

Description : Haiti, Japan and now Chile. Why do you think earthquakes are happening so often and randomly lately?

Last Answer : Plate-tectonics must be having a race.

Description : What are your opinions on Geisha?

Last Answer : I think that the culture that holds becoming a Geisha as one of the only things a woman can do to achieve good status is in need of coming up with more options

Description : What do Japanese people do if they are late to work?

Last Answer : Wouldn’t stopping to buy doughnuts make you even later?

Description : Who is that guy from tokyo drift?

Last Answer : should have a complete cast list for that film.

Description : How common is Wooly Mammoth ivory, and how much does it cost?

Last Answer : answer:There is a Wooly Mammoth Ivory website that may supply answers to your questions. While you are viewing that website, also listen to this

Description : Why do people like chrysanthemums in Japan?

Last Answer : This amazingly beautiful flower with a thousand-year history is an inspiration for artists and poets. His images can be found in the ornament of ancient buildings, oriental works of art and even ... . Only the emperor and family members were allowed to wear clothes with a pattern of chrysanthemums.