Do you think the human species could be trying to commit suicide?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t think that we’re trying to commit suicide, at least, in this moment – I just think that some of us are too lazy to realize what is happening and are unwilling to take the necessary steps to make changes.

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Last Answer : 2. I want to see what tomorrow brings.

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Last Answer : Sometimes a pet will refuse to eat or engage with the world after the owner dies. In that case, could grieving oneself to death be called suicide? I don’t know. I have never heard of an animal taking steps to directly and immediately killing itself, but there is alot that I haven’t heard of!

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Last Answer : answer:Yup. I wanked to the store and crossed two busy streets and could have offed myself at any time. How do you punish the act of suicide? I assume the suicider (George Bush word, not ... get better being punished is as stupid as Trump and his women being punished for getting a abortion nonsense.

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Last Answer : answer:Suicide rates always rise, by as much as 40% in times of economic depression. People feel hopeless, overwhelmed, exhausted and tired of fighting the good fight. I don't necessarily think that everyone that ... if I end up having to work in Walmart in my advanced age I'd rather be dead. lol

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Last Answer : No. It would be allowing nature to proceed.

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Last Answer : My dog is pretty tight lipped about the subject.

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Last Answer : You're Canadian, so I'm going to spoon-feed this to you. Cars can only be driven when registered, insured, and piloted by a licensed, demonstrably competent individual. The right to pilot a ... of the American population is vehemently against, and the reason why those things don't exist here.

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Last Answer : answer:What people who deal with customers need to understand is the cost of re-acquiring a lost customer is prohibitively expensive while keeping a customer happy costs relatively little. Businesses sometime ... who are on the front lines with customers and by not having policies that support that.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, and just how's that gonna work for you? If you are the only one that knows, in their heart, you were truly innocent and the legal system disagreed, well .all you'd gain is a repeat ... , much better to swallow your bitter pill and move on. Unless you've come to enjoy prison life. lol

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Last Answer : Um… build a large jail? : )

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Last Answer : Nope