Which Republican has the best chance to win against Pres. Obama?

1 Answer

Answer :

I can’t tell you who does, but I sure can tell you who doesn’t. Sarah Palin.

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Last Answer : Don’t have time to answer right now, but I thought this article by Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy) was pretty interesting.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on what ‘equality’ is to you. To the Right: Get government out of the way of people wanting to exploit their equal chance for success. To the left: control everything including ‘opportunity’ so everyone can be equally oppressed and miserable.

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Last Answer : That story makes me disgusted with America, and where it is going. Actually, physically sick. Shame on those firemen, that they could stand by and watch that man’s home burn. Would they have helped if a person had been inside?

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Last Answer : answer:In some ways we are in that situation, but it may not be as dire as we think. That is because corporations have conflicting interests, and not all are in a position to scratch each other' ... the money. Always. I don't think this represents any significant change from any time in US history.

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Last Answer : Keith Olbermann set me straight with this video, because of my ignorance, I was under the impression this ‘mosque’ was going to be an actual mosque. I was not thinking clearly and I was listening to the wrong sources. Keith Olbermann is the man :)