Guys do you like to be dominated by your mate or something different?

1 Answer

Answer :

I was willing to answer the question until I saw the “forceful” tag. Sure you don’t want to add “backhand”, “injure” or “disfigure” ?

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Last Answer : Sometimes these things are pretty harsh.

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Last Answer : Hearing. It’s the quickest way to find out what he’s really like.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. I think that you are probably just relating to this singers music at a time that you need something to get you through the day. The fact that you two have similar backgrounds ... find someone to talk to, maybe a psychiatrist to help you deal with your depression. Good luck.

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Last Answer : This implies that it is NOT possible (see second post). This says they do not cross breed in the wild, but that is kind of vague . . . and doesn’t answer the question of viable offspring if they were breed in captivity. Finally, this implies it might be possible . . .

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Last Answer : Usually takes more than half a second. But then, there are so many different types of nocturnal butterflies out there, maybe some only need to mate for that long. (whether while flying or just sitting there) As far as I know though, I don’t think they did. What happened after they unconnected?