Why are people on Dailybooth so stuck up?

1 Answer

Answer :

I do not know the website you speak of and I’m sorry you feel unpopular. I don’t think this is about girls with squeezed breasts either. If this website isn’t what you thought it was, I hope you find a better community elsewhere.

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Last Answer : First of all, I don't keep pictures or things from my exes. It's just something I'd rather not do. Having said that, I have seen photos of one of my exes since then and thought that he ... cute as I remembered, but that probably has something to do with me not liking him much as a person anymore.

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Last Answer : Copyright. Photographers took the pictures and own the copyright to them. Some photographers give away their rights and let anyone/everyone use the pictures. Other photographers want recognition (their name on the ... get paid. It is a perfectly legitimate request to be paid for the work you do.

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Last Answer : It’s a power pose actually. Makes you seem confident and ass-kicky.

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Last Answer : First of all, I'm sorry for your loss. To answer your question, at most of the funerals I've been to there was (1) a photograph of the deceased on the front of the program and/or (2) they gave ... or someone you're very close to, you do whatever you want because it's none of anyone else's business.

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Last Answer : What kind of phone do you have? some phones may not have all of the same features available for Facebook

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Last Answer : answer:Thinking you have privacy on the Internet is your first mistake. Yes, I think you’re being unreasonable and paranoid. But you have every right to be.

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Last Answer : answer:@WillWorkForChocolate - THANK YOU! I am 100% with you on this. I am well aware of animal abuse and when we're ready for our next cat - and some day, maybe, a dog - it will come from a ... anyone because of it simply because I don't want to miss posts from these people. But the day may come

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Last Answer : 1) Napoleaon Buonoparte 2) Mao zedong

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Last Answer : Download a photo viewer, not an editor. Examples: Irfanview https://www.irfanview.com/ Faststone http://www.faststone.org/ They will also let you set the defaults for picture viewing.

Description : Why can't I rearrange pictures in this folder?

Last Answer : Create another folder with copies, and then organize as a slide show. You don’t say what software you are using. Find one that allows you to create a slide show. What are you going to do when they are in order?

Description : Do you think it would be helpful to have our pictures on our credit or debit cards?

Last Answer : No, I do not think it is likely this would be helpful to me. Yes, there are banks that do it. The main reason it's considered helpful is to try to prevent use of your card by others. ... think it will confound many people in the case that someone does take your card, unless they're extremely dense.

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Last Answer : No. I look scuzy.

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Last Answer : Try a different service. Lots of us here use imgur.

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Last Answer : I’ve been happy with the one I found for myself for at least 8 years.

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Last Answer : answer:You likely made a copy of this file (or backed it up) on 2015.01.11, but the original content of the photo (either by camera or photo editor) was from 2014.12.25. I was able to duplicate this by making a copy of an image and inspecting the details of the copied image. I get the same thing.

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Last Answer : Is it possible it is sorting by file date and time? .

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Last Answer : No caskets in my family. Just an urn. Open caskets are uncomfortable for me, too. I guess I don’t get the point, since the person is dead.

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Last Answer : “Likes” from your friends and acquaintances? Perhaps, since you don’t normally post pics of yourself, they are rewarding you for actually putting one up.

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Last Answer : answer:No it doesn’t bother me. On the other hand it isn’t very funny, either. I didn’t even smile. How is that an actual photograph of a real event? Isn’t she an actress and this shot is from a movie?

Description : If you had to take pictures of something, or some things, that defined your state as unique, what pictures would you take?

Last Answer : answer:The oil tanks on the NJ Turnpike. And…our beautiful ocean.

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Last Answer : answer:What kind of disc is it? What kind of pictures? What kind of hardware do you have? What OS? If it's a CD-R or DVD-R, it means it is read-only and can't be changed, though ... a rewritable disc would still need to be erased and then rewritten, but then I stopped using these things years ago.

Description : Will you play "What the hell is it?!" with me?

Last Answer : A lamp shade or a wasp nest.

Description : How can photos just appear on my iPad?

Last Answer : Weird. Did it somehow sync with your laptop?

Description : How do I use my hot keys to insert a picture into a fb comment?

Last Answer : Quick keys mess me up a lot I don't use them I usually just upload the picture to photobucket.com and use the url from there. It may seem like an old school way to do it but this way I always have ... the message bar so it's not in the message. Everyone has a system I guess. I hope that helps! :)

Description : Do you ever see things in your travels that remind you of fellow Jellies?

Last Answer : My penguin sightings (yes, I’ve had those) always remind me of janbb; gourmet chocolates remind of the woman who’ll work for them; and any British comic brings ucme to mind.

Description : Why can't I post a picture on Facebook?

Last Answer : Has happened to me. It’s really irritating. I clicked a few more times and the picture re-posted again and again. Logout and see how things go after a few minutes.

Description : How can I get pictures to post on my site or blog?

Last Answer : answer:Well, while bad form you can just use whatever you find. People could bitch and send out a DCMA takedown request to your hosting company. You should comply with that but it is very rare. I wouldn't ... would be one of about 500 million sites that do it. But if you want to be legit start here.

Description : Can you help me with ideas about a photo album.

Last Answer : Hm for family photos years are good as you’ve stated. That’s perfect in my eyes! and makes more sense. Unless it’s art with a motif what you have mentioned is just fine!

Description : Why do the pictures my digital camera take have orb like things in them?

Last Answer : Can you give an example of said orbs? This happens with my camera sometimes when the sun is at the “right” angle – it creates these yellow-y and orange-y floating balls. If the spots are black, however, there is probably a crack in the lens somewhere.

Description : If you Google your name and look at the images, are you happy with the company you are in?

Last Answer : answer:Richard Branson and Richard Stallman. I’m ok with it. LOL Richard Dawkins, however, I could care less about.

Description : Does anyone remember a Sega photo booth that printed stamps?

Last Answer : I don’t suppose it was something like this? There is also another machine that does something similar like this.

Description : Is there a way to erase an existing background to a photo that you took and create a new one?

Last Answer : It can be done pretty easily if you’re familiar with Photoshop or similar image manipulation programs, but I don’t know about programs specifically for cutting you out of a photo.

Description : Where can I sell my pictures that are from my camera?

Last Answer : If the pictures are very high quality and on topical news-worthy subjects, your local newspaper may pay for them.

Description : Why does my phone camera make pictures look purple?

Last Answer : It’s actually a scale of blue. Camera phones are crap to say it straight forward, especially in dimlight settings. It doesn’t have great iso reads. It doesn’t have great much of anything. It might be ok for a detail shot, like 5 inches away from the subject.

Description : Do you think fast food should come with warning photos and labels such as the ones now on cigarette packets?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Can you guys look over the floor plan in the details with me?

Last Answer : It looks like that is supposed to be the back of the house. I was wrong originally.

Description : Do you think Facebook (etc.) should have some sort of privacy rule that gives others some control over content in other user's accounts?

Last Answer : You do have a little control, say if they want to tag you in a picture then you can choose to have fb send you a notice to approve it first. That won’t keep them from putting up pics of you without tags though.