Are the "Toe Shoes" for running a bad idea for flat footed individuals?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:If you have no (or not much) arch to your foot it’s best to have shoes which provide arch support or else you’ll put pressure on the metatarsals. (esp. the little bones on the pinky-toe sides of your feet, especially if you pronate.) I had to get specialized house slippers made of cork (really not kidding, they were prescribed by a Podiatrist) because my feet are very flat. The same Podiatrist also instructed me to find very stiff running shoes (they shouldn’t have a lot of “give” in them) with strong arch support. So, based on the advice I got, my guess would be if your feet are very flat – more important than whether you get the “toe” kind of shoe or traditional running shoe is the arch support and stiffness of the shoe.

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Last Answer : According to research flat feet can cause running shin or shin splints. This is a common problem and with proper treatment and careful instructions it can be minimized.

Description : Questions/Suggestions for new running shoes and can you share some input?

Last Answer : I love my Newtons.

Description : Care to recommend good quality shoes for cross country running?

Last Answer : My wife swears by Asics. I used to wear New Balance when Adidas quit making my favorite running shoe. Others like Nike but I always found them too narrow and uncomfortable. Bottom line, go try some ... a lot of running. They are your major expense and also the first line of defense against injury.

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Last Answer : If you want one pair of shoes, you might try trail runners. Something like this. (Note that I don’t have any connection to these shoes at all. I just googled trail runners)

Description : Where to find running shoes?

Last Answer : Road Runner Sports gets good reviews.

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Last Answer : What about stuffing them with newspaper to soak up any sweat? And hang them up in a dry place so they get aired?