Is there a difference between racism and racial discrimination?

1 Answer

Answer :

Racial discrimination implies some sort of act. Racism is a belief.

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Last Answer : Social Discrimination has been defined by Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent ... freedoms in the political, economic, social cultural or any other field of public life.'

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Last Answer : The UN passed several resolutions banning Racial Discrimination. In 1974 the Assembly established an 18 member committee known as Special Committee against Apartheid . It implemented resolutions of ... for the imposition of sanctions against South Africa and international action to isolate her.

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Last Answer : Racial Discrimination means any distinction, exclusion or restriction based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition or ... In short the whites considered themselves the master race and the non-whites as inferior beings.

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Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Last Answer : International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination .

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Last Answer : i don't noSpell check your answer

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Last Answer : W.E.B Du Bois~Luna

Description : What comes more naturally to heart according to Mandela? (a) hatred (b) unity (c) love (d) racial discrimination

Last Answer : (c) love

Description : Two National Anthems were sung to (a) imply unity (b) mark the end of racial discrimination (c) mark the end of gender discrimination (d) Both 1 and 2

Last Answer : (d) Both 1 and 2

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Last Answer : (a) Racial domination against the Blacks

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Last Answer : (d) CEDAW (Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women)

Description : How would one distinguish between perceived -isms (racism, sexism etc.), and real -isms? Are discrimination and prejudice quantifiable?

Last Answer : With over 8 million Jews murdered by Nazis, racism is most certainly real. I know of now way to measure it in ounces or Rontgens of whatever. You can’t measure love in quantifiable units either, but it’s as real as anything I know of.

Description : Where did Mahatma Gandhi fall victim to racism or caste discrimination ?

Last Answer : Victims of discrimination in Africa.

Description : Which racial difference in response to drugs has been mentioned incorrectly below: A. Africans require higher concentration of atropine to dilate pupils B. Black races are more responsive ... SMON due to halogenated hydroxyquinolines D. Chloramphenicol induced aplastic anaemia is rare among Indians

Last Answer : B. Black races are more responsive to antihypertensive action of beta blockers

Description : Which racial difference in response to drugs has been mentioned incorrectly below: A. Africans require higher concentration of atropine to dilate pupils B. Black races are more responsive ... SMON due to halogenated hydroxyquinolines D. Chloramphenicol induced aplastic anaemia is rare among Indians

Last Answer : B. Black races are more responsive to antihypertensive action of beta blockers

Description : What is the difference between xenophobia and racism?

Last Answer : Xenophobia is the distrust or hatred of people who come from different countries. Racism is the distrust or hatred of someone of another ethnicity

Description : What is the difference between racism and bigotry?

Last Answer : One is a subset of the other.

Description : Do you think that the Great Flood of Biblical fame, is a human racial memory of a real, but less catastrophic, event?

Last Answer : Probably. A lot of ancient civilizations have stories about major floods, which isn't surprising given that those same civilizations all lived alongside large bodies of water prone to flooding. All it takes ... major blizzards (which is easy to do in the Northeast given how many blizzards they get).

Description : Speaking of racial conflict, can horses and zebras interbreed?

Last Answer : Yes, they can. They (zebra’s) can mate with any kind of equine. Zebroids is what you get. A horbra, or a zorse.

Description : Racial Question...What do you think of this situation?

Last Answer : Are you assuming that the new person’s judgmental response was because she was black and not just because of her personality? It’s hard to see where race really enters into the story at all unless there’s something missing from your recount of it?

Description : Why is Brazil full of racial diversity when the story says it's a black country?

Last Answer : What story? I never heard it.