Is Catnip like crack to kitties?

1 Answer

Answer :

The chemical is called nepetalactone. I’m not sure exactly what it does in the cat’s brain, but only about ⅔ of cats are susceptible to it.

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Last Answer : I've always had two cats until I got Jasper. They've always played and snuggled together. We didn't get a playmate for Jasper and he does have two dogs to snuggle with and annoy. We meant to but time passed by ... would like that at all now. He's so used to being the top cat (and dog) in the house.

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Last Answer : Dribble what? Basketballs? ;) I think a lot of them might do it because I heard that when cats purr it increases their saliva flow, which cuts back on fur balls getting stuck in their throat. So they just kind of have some excess drool going on once in a while.

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Last Answer : I don't know how much the associate the cause & effects and/or care about the consequences, but my observations of quite a few cats on catnip is generally: * Each cat reacts differently to it. * ... fairly regular use of it. * Freshness matters, as does whether it's been rustled to release more.

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Last Answer : Dude, who cares? Pass the pipe.

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Last Answer : Catnip is the common name for a perennial herb of the mint family. It is native to Europe and is an import to the United States and other countries. The catnip plant is now a widespread weed in ... . Very young kittens and older cats seem less likely to have a reaction to catnip. (answer stolen )

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Last Answer : answer:From How Stuff Works: Although no one knows exactly what happens in the cat's brain, it is known that the chemical nepetalactone in catnip is the thing that triggers the response. Apparently, it ... and why one has to be careful about using harsh chemical cleaners where a cat may walk, etc.

Description : What technically IS the effect of catnip on cats?

Last Answer : answer:Taken from this paper The response to catnip is characterized by sniffing, then licking and chewing with head shaking, followed by chin and cheek rubbing and then a headover roll and body rubbing (14). ... reaction to catnip but it has no reference on where a study' on this can be found.

Description : What does catnip do to cats?

Last Answer : >Catnip is an herb. About half of cats are genetically likely to respond to active oil in catnip. It is not certain what part of the brain is stimulated by this ingredient but it is not harmful ... a genetic accident. It is an autosomal dominant trait, so not all cats are sensitive. -Dr. Colleran

Description : CAT LOVERS AGAIN - What's the best way to keep a kitten from going on top of my scanner? I had to remove the Automatic Document Feeder because her weight will eventually crack the plastic.

Last Answer : There is a product called a scat mat that gives them a small electric jolt (like a static discharge) - it doesn't harm them (I've stepped on them plenty of times myself), and I guarantee you ... to put something offensive smelling to the cat in the area (citrus, pine, mint, etc) as a repellent.

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Last Answer : It’s a form of social interaction. Dogs wag their tail and sniff, cats mark and rub (much more sensual creatures than dogs, aren’t they?)

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Last Answer : Because they love you and want to be with you. Your their mummy.

Description : What is the best cat food you feed your kitties?

Last Answer : You haven't mentioned what tests your vet has performed. A cat that age should certainly have kidney and liver function checked (keep in mind, kidney values won't show any increases until at least 80% of ... brands - you can develop a picky eater that way. Pick a good diet and stick with it.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Should there be an age limit for catnip?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, you are just a weirdo. If you want to deprive your kittens from safe pleasures, that is your business. Catnip is not a drug. From a veterinarian's website: Catnip actually belongs to ... catnip. Mother Nature just may have made this plant for the sole purpose of making kitties act silly!

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Last Answer : answer:Allie referrers to it as space soup. It is my ultimate comfort food.

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Last Answer : Catnip, sometimes also referred to as Kitty Crack, Catmint and Catswort, is an herb from Lamiaceae mint family, which is known to get cats high. This herb was initially found only in ... your neighborhood garden centre, and plant them in a location where adequate sunlight and water is available.

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Last Answer : lasers.

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Last Answer : Give them some time to clean themselves, maybe a few days or until the end of the week. I just hope the olive oil doesn’t affect their digestion, otherwise it could be a bit messy in the litter box (if they make it to a litter box).

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Last Answer : answer:Mine almost always does, yowling like a bansshee and rubbing my leg, because he thinks that when I come home, regardless of the time, it’s time for him to eat. Much to his chagrin, sometimes it’s not. Cats are great.

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Last Answer : Hey, your litter box could be a gold mine

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Last Answer : I don’t think this applies to all cat lovers.

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Last Answer : answer:Animals bring out our nurturing side, are companions, helpers, ( many breeds of dogs, horses, etc.) and delight us with their antics and innocent, happy go lucky, animal personalities. Why do we ... . They are cute, smart, funny, loveable and great little friends to hang around with. :-)

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Last Answer : answer:I would not be the one to make a decision for you on whether to take your pet to the vet, but you may want to try this. If you have any Vaseline, put a little bit on the tip of her ... bad hairball, the Vaseline will help to condense it and bring it up. Best wishes I hope your cat is okay.

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Last Answer : answer:Keep a close eye on your cat, and seek veterinary care if the vomiting continues. We see it more often in dogs that cats, but vomitus that smells of fecal matter is sometime seen in intestinal blockages – the animal can actually bring up material that has already passed into the intestines.

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Last Answer : Speak English.

Description : Do you have any insanely crazy, but true, stories you'd like to share?

Last Answer : Here's one of my own: Long ago, when the kids were little, we went to visit a friend of mine, Jane T. Jane, has one of those drop mailboxes that lead directly into the house. My son, Chris, who was ... I timidly knocked on Jane's door again. She answered it and yelled GET AWAY FROM ME!!! The end.

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Last Answer : answer:It's a social bonding behavior, called allogrooming . Many animals allogroom, and the head is a common target because it's a difficult spot for animals to groom by themselves. She rubs her head ... excruciatingly painful, bt she enjoyed it so much that I'd endure it as long as I could.

Description : Does this sound like Pink Eye in my Cat?

Last Answer : answer:You need to take her to the veterinarian. They will use a fluoroscein stain to determine if she has a scratch on the surface of her eye (a corneal abrasion); this is vital to determining the ... scratch the surface of the eye herself), so I would have her looked at as soon as possible.

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Last Answer : I will ponder the rides and attraction as they can have Euro Disney!

Description : Why has my cat been acting like this?

Last Answer : I believe your story. Many cat owners have reported similar observations about behavior. When one of our cats died, the other assumed all his favorite sleeping spots, too, which were places that the surviving cat had never napped in. I don’t know the reason, but it does seem to be a real phenomenon.

Description : Do I really need to start treating my cat like a senior kitty-citizen?

Last Answer : answer:Personally, and I'm not a vet or an expert by any means, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as she's healthy and active, there's no reason why you should change her food or anything. ... for any problems in the same way as you have been for the last 10 years. Just my unprofessional opinion.