Is it rude to ask an older woman her age, in front of a bunch of people, if you have no real need to know?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yep. I think it ranks up there with asking her weight.

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Last Answer : answer:(A) retarded. (B) retarded. That was easy.

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Last Answer : Blocking the email address and deleting the email would have been my first reaction. In fact, I have done this several times to very polite young women of various nationalities who want nothing more than ... would end up there. And it's highly unlikely that she is actually a lonely Russian woman.

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Last Answer : Only if she invites you to dinner.

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Last Answer : No – but I sure have done some dumb things for strong and attractive guys!

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Last Answer : How old are you?

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Last Answer : Well, I could tell Angelina Jolie was at the Oscars.

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Last Answer : answer:I would be hugely flattered, but would also wonder if it was a come-on? That said, it would definitely leave me with a smile for the rest of the day. To be honest, I'd probably want to then ... order to get attention from men so much as to NOT be judged by other women does that make sense???

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Last Answer : The business end of a handgun pointing at my head.

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Last Answer : answer:I would become a nun. All you horn dogs wanting a piece of my ass. Don’t know how the ladies handle it.

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Last Answer : answer:Hell no! I am finally at that great time of life where I would never, ever, give up anything for relationship ever again! It’s a good place to be. Freedom and contentment!

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Last Answer : Within the next 20 years.

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Last Answer : It’s kind of funny, but except for the sperm=baby part a guy could do all those things, too…

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Last Answer : I’m probably the only teenage girl that doesn’t use make up. I don’t really like it. Natural is nice.

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Last Answer : Hi