Who wants to answer the question that Irish schoolchildren asked the Queen?

1 Answer

Answer :

I guess my bicycle is just metal-colored. I do not have many pink things, just a shirt here and there and all my other brushes are black. And, of course.

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Last Answer : You will have to just scroll through the questions. The dates are listed.

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Last Answer : Never…..

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Last Answer : Nope. You can flag them and kindly ask a mod to delete them, but there’s no real way of deleting or hiding your previously asked questions.

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Description : Are there any questions you asked that you think didn't get enough attention?

Last Answer : answer:I was proud of this one. Our two questions might be somehow related because I’m not really sure what the hell you are talking about.

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Last Answer : answer:Yep and this was was the last one in the database. You have reached the end of the internet. Also, the search box on ask-public is a bit diminutive. Coupled with people's laziness I think it ... a-thons. I wonder if I were to re-ask this question if some sort of endless loop would start.

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Last Answer : Who said you can ask only 3 Qs? I have never heard of that.

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Last Answer : answer:Would you believe me if I said that ants can consume a human body in 5.4 days given a temperature above 75° and humidity over 75%? WYBM?

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Last Answer : Depends on the woman/girl and the guy. You have to think about what kind of relationship you would like….and act accordingly. What do you want out of yourself? How do you want to portray yourself? What is important to you in a partner? Those are important questions to ask yourself.

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Last Answer : You can only lead a horse to water…

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Last Answer : If they are from the US: How much do you tip?

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Last Answer : answer:Why do you answer a question without reading the details and responses from the OP? Sometimes I don't, because I think the questions are too obvious to read further details. It's painfully ... Are you really curious? Or have someone here pissed you off because they didn't read your details?

Description : Would you participate on a Q&A site that required you to make a substantive answer to a question before you could see the other user's answers?

Last Answer : I like the basic concept, but would prefer to eliminate the whole modded-substantive-answer part. How about you just can’t see the other answers until you’ve answered. You could still have mods to enforce basic rules and writing standards, similar to ask-public.

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Last Answer : answer:Are my eyes horrible or are walls of text insanely painful to read on Fluther? I just can’t. Unreadable without insane focus. Not a slag on you ET. The CSS needs work.

Description : If I give you the answer, can you give me the question?

Last Answer : Look at my junk & tell me what this is dude?

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Last Answer : Sure. I sometimes answer the ‘related’ questions if they catch my eye. It depends on the context of the Q but sometimes Qs can have a complete revival because someone chose to answer it years later.

Description : Do you actually answer the question?

Last Answer : answer:I'm guilty of at times reading more about the answers than the question itself so I'm sure there have been times where I have been led down the wrong road due to other answers that were also down ... quickly scan it, but I don't know if that means I have a short attention span or something.

Description : It's Jewish question time: you must answer the question with another question?

Last Answer : So, TGIF, eh?