How can an introvert stand out in a workplace full of extroverts?

1 Answer

Answer :

We had to do our own preformance plans at work and keep track of our own work that we did on a daily basis. Maybe even if you don’t you could do this on a regular basis and offer it to your manager and let he/she know you have been keeping track just because it gets so busy at work and offer to send it to her for a preformance stand point. Its something that will make your managers job easier when having to write up performance evaluations if you don’t have to do it. It also helps you keep track of how you are doing and where you need improvements on a personal level. I was never one with competing with others for recognition and never made a point of making things known of what I was doing but my input never went un-noticed by upper management since other departments would compliment my work without my knowledge. You don’t always have to toot your own horn to make yourself noticed in the workplace alot of time your great work speaks for itself.

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Last Answer : Sent this to linguaphile who might have some good advice.

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Last Answer : Note: Something I forgot to mention. Previous suggestions by those that have been ok at socializing have told me to focus on simply asking questions. I do this, but have found that it can only go so far. Then the conversation stops.

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Last Answer : I am an introvert. Which quiz?

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Last Answer : answer:I'm an extrovert, high energy, high mental energy, talkative and outgoing, but yes, I have really mellowed in my middle age, love my solitude, can spend days just doing my own thing and while I ... of a firecracker than a flashlight. My body will burn out long before my brain no doubt. ;-)

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Last Answer : answer:Can you ask the other members of the group how serious they are about the subject and covering the tasks? Try talking to them about sitting in on one of their sessions to see what the style is ... having more than one head thinking about a subject. I say give it a whirl by talking to them.

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Last Answer : Well, it's hard to say I am on one side forever, no question. But I suppose you could say that I am more extroverted than I am introverted. Every personality test I take says I'm an extrovert. However, I enjoy ... and I don't think he needs to change. That's part of why I like him; it's cute. :P

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Last Answer : Least it takes more than a two-week lockdown to send me into literal psychosis

Description : Come on, I have friends among the extroverts. It makes it difficult for me to talk first and I don't even know what to talk about.

Last Answer : Try writing it to him.

Description : My friend asked me if I was an introvert. What is it?

Last Answer : Not "what" - but "who" ... This is a trait -

Description : What does it mean, what is it like?

Last Answer : it's me I focus all my interest on my inner life, I close in on myself :) but otherwise I'm happy :)

Description : Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

Last Answer : I actually consider myself as an ambivert, I possess these two characteristics. I can be outgoing and talk to people since I'm a teacher and a public speaker however there are times that I'm socially awkward and wants to maintain my personal space.

Description : If you are an introvert, how do you control your temper and what is the best anger management therapy?

Last Answer : If keeping quiet more than 50% of the time, enjoying solitude, shying away from large gathering, making less contact with people and using my thoughts and feelings as a get away qualifies as ... best way for an introvert to handle their tempers is by simply walking away from potential situations.

Description : How do you know if an introvert girl likes you?

Last Answer : She talks to you frequently, if she is an introvert than by nature she keeps to herself, just letting you into her world is a huge deal. Trust, it takes a lifetime to build and a moment to break.

Description : A lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people a) introvert b) extrovert c) geriatrician d) flatterer

Last Answer : b) extrovert

Description :  A lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people a) introvert b) extrovert c) geriatrician d) flatterer

Last Answer : d) excerpt