What was your longest fart/burp ever?

1 Answer

Answer :

And the winner of the intellectual achievement award goes to…...

Related questions

Description : What was the biggest, longest burp you ever had (or heard)?

Last Answer : It’s Friday and you all know what a classy guy I am. A couple of my fraternity brothers in college could burp the alphabet.

Description : Why does Single Malt Scotch make me burp so much?

Last Answer : Maybe your drink is carbonated some how.

Description : What is the best way to get yourself to burp?

Last Answer : Drink a Coke or a beer, always works for me..lol

Description : When you're home alone and you burp, do you still say, "Excuse me?"?

Last Answer : I say ‘excuse me’ even when I’m alone. No reason to get into bad habits just because you’re alone. :)

Description : Silly question: Do nausea and the sensation of needing to burp feel at all similar to you?

Last Answer : answer:No, they don’t. I feel the need to burp as a pressure. No nausea.

Description : Why does heartburn cause you to burp?

Last Answer : you got it the wrong way round. Burping causes the heartburn. ie stomach acid enters oesphagus and burns.

Description : What's the difference between babies' bibs & burp clothing?

Last Answer : It's actually rather simple. When you burp a child you drape a burp cloth over your shoulder to protect your clothing. A bib is worn by a child so that they don't get food or drool on their own clothing.

Description : Can I find a good selection of babies bibs and burp clothing at Babies R Us?

Last Answer : Absolutely. I bought most of my son's bibs and burp clothes at Babies R Us - both in the store and online. They have a great selection. Plus, you can pick up all your other baby supplies while you're there!

Description : Why would a random girl burp in my face?

Last Answer : This is a rude question and has no value.

Description : “Astronauts cannot burp in space.” 

Last Answer : This is all to do with gravity. On Earth gravity helps us to burp by holding all the solid and wet waste in our stomachs exactly there, in our stomachs, whilst the gas comes out. In space ... not a pleasant experience for astronauts or their crewmates. In fact, they call this experience: a Bomit.

Description : Why does my dog fart when he walks up stairs?

Last Answer : Like it says on so many packages: “Some settling of contents may occur.”

Description : Will you fart in Public?

Last Answer : answer:“Will you” is in the future. You should ask “Have you ever?” Of course. Read this definition: here

Description : Do you ever fart on purpose?

Last Answer : No. As some of you may already know, I find farting highly embarrassing even when I am alone. It amuses me when others do it though!

Description : What is the most awkwardly timed fart you've ever had?

Last Answer : Be me. Lame as fuck. Get balls of steel and go talk to qt3.14 with natch titties and boner smile. Head on over. Nervousasfuck.wav. Rip ass the moment my cock hole opens. Go to bathroom. Fap. Cry. Fap again.

Description : If you get detained by the rozzers and then proceed to release a massive, stinking fart inside their car, will you be charged with anything?

Last Answer : No. Not unless you light it.

Description : Do cats fart?

Last Answer : My cats have released intestinal gases. They didn’t generate sounds loud enough for me to hear but my olfactory nerves definitely did detect them.

Description : Care to share a few favorite fun fart factoids?

Last Answer : answer:Some potters fart into their raw materials before they begin to shape the bowls. They do this frequently when making ceramics that commemorate US Heavyweight boxers. They call it “Gaseous Clay”.

Description : Do girls in all-girls schools belch and fart out loud without shame like boys in all-boys schools do?

Last Answer : Yes, but only if there are not authority figures around. Mostly however, it was only a case of not suppressing, instead of deliberately generating them.

Description : Do you fart in public?

Last Answer : I have wiped out entire cities with my farts.

Description : Where do you go to fart?

Last Answer : I like to run down to the elevator in my building, and rip a good long one then flee.

Description : How much does a fart weigh?

Last Answer : I am so following this question.

Description : Can you store fart gas and use it?

Last Answer : No. It is methane, which causes global warming.

Description : Is it okay to fart out loud in your own backyard?

Last Answer : Fine in yours, but NIMBY.

Description : Do adopted children grow up to fart similar to their guardians' farts or more similar to their parents' farts? (Nature vs Nurture question)

Last Answer : Do we have any control over the sound of our farts?

Description : Why is farting and fart jokes so funny?

Last Answer : Flatulence is funny, just because. Parrrrrummmppp!!! Err….... more tea vicar? ;¬}

Description : Are you glad you are an old fart?

Last Answer : Yeppers!! I was 22 years old when I got my first IBM 8088 processor and DOS was a breeze! You actually told IT what to do!! Ahhhhh…the good old days!!

Description : Do people fart in Heaven?

Last Answer : Not in mine.

Description : Do butterflies fart?

Last Answer : answer:Every animal farts including insects like bees and ants and butterflies. If you have a belly of sorts and a rectum, gasses will build up due to digestion and by nature they will fart. If the animal has a ... at its most base level. Now if they can fart and burp at the same time I do not know.

Description : How come when you fart in the bathtub it always smells like brussels sprouts?

Last Answer : Um, what? I know nothing of the sort.

Description : What is the scientific or evolutional value of guys thinking fart jokes, penises, and shots to the groin are humorous.

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps it serves another useful function – like social bonding in groups of men. I enjoy a good fart joke, but it doesn’t mean I’ll tell it to my wife.

Description : Is it possible to bottle up a fart and preserve the smell for later?

Last Answer : The seal has to have a membrane with smaller ports than the size of the odor molecules.

Description : Gentlemen: Is it impolite to fart while at a urinal?

Last Answer : What better place? Dual relief.

Description : Would a fart powered phone charger work?

Last Answer : I certainly wouldn’t be able to make any calls ;)

Description : Why do french bulldogs fart?

Last Answer : Too many croissants.

Description : What happens if you fart in yoga class?

Last Answer : Reminds me of a jackass episode

Description : Would you like to get all your farting out of the way, and never fart again?

Last Answer : No, I would like to continue to spread them across the years. As George Carlin said, “You know, your own smell fairly decent.”

Description : What is so funny about a fart?

Last Answer : It’s the goshdarn noise! It’s funny because something as repulsive as a fart (rancid gaseous by-products of bacteria leaking out of the bum) makes a noise that is so devilishly disgustingly funny that BEGS to be copied. :)

Description : Do you know of these fart neutralisers?

Last Answer : I’ve heard of them before, but never known anyone to use them. Wouldn’t Beano be easier?

Description : What makes a fart?

Last Answer : It is one of the things that contributes to them. Your diet in general and your state of health also contribute.

Description : Will you still be laughing at fart-jokes when you're 90?

Last Answer : Yep. I will. And I’ll ask my grandkids to pull my finger, too!

Description : You know how you see your breath when its cold well when you fart does a puff of smoke come out your but

Last Answer : well when you see that smoke, its when the hot reacts with the cold, so im guessing that yes, when you fart there will be smoke o something.

Description : If somebody invented "fart vision" glasses, how much would you pay for them?

Last Answer : 4000$

Description : This is a three parter: Why do people's farts make noise, while most animals don't? Why do people not mind the smell of their own farts, but cover their faces when others rip one? If you hold in a fart, where does it go?

Last Answer : answer:!) Gotta tell you, my dogs farts They make noise. [at]) Unless it's particularly raunchy I bask in all of them. I've had some where I've covered my own face. Those are baaaad nights. ... out with the full force of zeus it just seeps out slowly. anyone ever taken gas x purposely to fart?

Description : What's your worst "it wasn't a fart" moment?

Last Answer : When in reality it was a shart

Description : content:

Last Answer : All animals do.

Description : My dog has gas. What causes it and what can I do to prevent it?

Last Answer : It could be the food that's the problem. It's normal to pass gas, but if it's excessive you should take your dog to the vet to make sure it's not a medical problem. You can try feeding a ... 25% in the present food and gradually increase the amount of new food until that's all your dog is eating.

Description : How do you feel after a refreshing shower when toweling off and you let out a nasty fart into your favorite, soft, beige, super fluffy towel?

Last Answer : I'd feel like I need another shower. About as painful as having to shit right after your shower. It's like, "COME ON, REALLY????"

Description : Why do they not allow you to fart in an Apple Store? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because They don't have Windows.

Description : hell no fart pants?

Last Answer : I hate you so much

Description : why does my hamster fart so much?

Last Answer : this was a dare lol