What are some really good books on US History between the discovery of America to 1877?

1 Answer

Answer :

John Adams By David McCullough

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Last Answer : The discovery of fire helped early man in the following ways: It helped him cook his food. It helped him protect from the danger of wild animals.

Description : THE PRESS AND REGISTRATION OF BOOKS ACT ENACTED IN THE YEAR a) 1857 b) 1867 c) 1877 d) 1897

Last Answer : b) 1867

Description : The press and registration of books act enacted in the year A. 1857 B. 1867C. 1877 D. 1897

Last Answer : B. 1867

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Last Answer : Magnus Magnusson’s “Scotland:the Story of a Nation” is worth a look and it is quite readable. It was published in 2000 so isn’t right up to date.

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Last Answer : If you are interested in the mind of Hitler, you might read Mein Kamph (do not know if that is spelled correctly or not, but Hitler wrote it & it is German for My Struggle). Most libraries have at least one copy of this book.

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Last Answer : I really don’t know, but it should talk about the Soviet Union, etc. No country’s history should be “glossed over”, no matter how controversial or hated.

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Last Answer : In 1517 Martin Luther wrote Ninety Five Theses criticising many of the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. A printed copy of this was posted on a church door in Wittenberg. It ... cultivating public opinion. Thus the fight for Swaraj was a fight for this freedom than anything else.

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Last Answer : Yes, we did. I can look up the specifics (or maybe @kritiper knows them; he's crafting a response right now), but my recollection is that the Americans pulled out and left them to their fate when ... on the subject of what happened in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, and this is how I remember it.

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Last Answer : answer:US History. Not being from the South, we didn’t have a Southern History course. Public schools in the northwest tend to have a northwest history section, and teach about the indigenous people and how we were scumbags to them as we took their land, cheated them and killed them off.

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Last Answer : Asia: The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade before the 17th century. The historians have identified several silk routes, overland and by sea, linking Asia with Europe ... El Dorado, the fabled city of gold. Thus there were global exchanges before the seventeenth century.

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Last Answer : Can I get two guesses? 1) The Museum of Natural History in NYC and 2) The Smithsonian. I am resisting the urge to Google.

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Last Answer : More or less, that’s just an example of mischevious marketing, some pinhead obviously thought using those initials was a cool prank, knowing full well it’d cause a minor storm among the chattering classes.

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Last Answer : Sounds like hill 875 (Dak To nov ‘67). It’s probably not that they had to give it back so much as there was no tactical advantage to keeping it.

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Last Answer : answer:There were no Neo-Nazis in 1938, just Nazis. Here is some documentary evidence from the U.S. Holocaust Museum about contemporary American groups that supported the Nazis. There's even a photo of ... There were many latent or overt Nazi/fascist supporters in the U.S., Britain, France, etc.

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Last Answer : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_suffrage

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Last Answer : I believe I saw some figures to that effect at one point, but I can’t remember where.

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Last Answer : answer:I sure hope that things will turn around. After all, my well being still largely hinges on the economy recovering. That said, I do not see much reason for optimism. I see the situation facing the ... US hegemony if it fails. We will see if the world will need to suffer another Dark Age first.

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Last Answer : answer:www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_horse The spanish are credited with introducing the first horse to north america after indigenous species had become extinct. Funny I JUST changed my avatar to the ... over here. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. lol

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think the memorials have anything to do with the issue of security. Most people don't think about 9/11 except once a year, but the realization of security is ongoing. A lot was ... a lot to minimize the possibility of a car bombing, and after Oklahoma City, worried about truck bombs.

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Last Answer : answer:You mean if the Europeans had not come here at all and brought disease and alcohol? It might be a very interesting place. I do have a slight cavil with your premise. The term “native” Americans is not accurate. They were simply an earlier migration over the Asian land bridge.

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Last Answer : Yes there was. Basically all the major European powers of the early colonial era practiced slavery. But it was outlawed and ended there far earlier (late 1700’s early 1800’s).

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Last Answer : Memorial Day is to honor soldiers who have served in our country. Native Americans soldiers do march in the parades.

Description : I am wondering about the immigrants who came to America in the 19th century?

Last Answer : Wikipedia covers it pretty well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Immigration_to_the_United_States#Immigration_1790_to_1849

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Last Answer : Certainly, especially with their associated Shiners organization and the children’s hospitals and free medical care they provide.

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Last Answer : Why don’t you do some research on historical mathematicians, like Archimedes. Just make sure you don’t use Wiki as a research reference.

Description : Do you ever feel like some, if they have the luxury of it, use barbaric history as an excuse not to do what they can to minimize present-day injustice?

Last Answer : Ahh but oppression still exists today. And even though they may not face the exact injustice they still face the effects of it. And by denying that you are contributing to said oppression. ... more discussion. However I believe the answer above will cover most examples of this type of behavior.