Is lesbianism becoming more of a trend?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:A trend? No. Acknowledged? Yes.

Related questions

Description : In the non-lockup world, why would a lesbian desire a partner that was on the masculine side?

Last Answer : I think your premise is all wrong. It is no different than as a heterosexual I am not attracted to overly muscular men. Most people have a type they are attracted to.

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Last Answer : B)that more wholesalers are becoming specialists.

Description : Petty annoyance #47: What is with this trend toward making parking lots more visually interesting than useful?

Last Answer : It’s called traffic pacification or calming or something like that. They want people to slow down so there will be fewer accidents as people are more careful. And those accidents that do occur will be less severe.

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Last Answer : Smartphone users spend more time with apps than tablet users

Description : Recently, we analyzed thousands of apps to flesh out key trends. Which trend did we NOT see? A. People spend more time with apps if they own a large screen mobile device B. Overall time in app ... D. Users who find your app organically and users who come from ads perform the same once in-app

Last Answer : C. Smartphone users spend more time with apps than tablet users

Description : What trend can be explicitly observed in the industry in which your company is operating? a. More and more products are sold directly to the private end consumer. b. Products become more and more expensive. ... and smaller. d. Customers show less and less brand loyalty. e. All of the above.

Last Answer : c. Products become smaller and smaller

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Last Answer : Common size balance sheet

Description : The sales forecasting method that consists of making a product available to buyers in one or more locations and measuring purchases is A)a market test. B)the regression analysis. C)trend analysis. D)a survey. E)the Delphi technique.

Last Answer : A)a market test.

Description : Have you noticed the increasing, and annoying, trend to embed advertising into the video content of news stories, etc?

Last Answer : It used to drive me crazy until I started using Adblock Plus now poof NO ads!!! I know it works well with Firefox & I think I've read that it works with the google browser also. it may work with ... don't have many ads which concerns me because I'm wondering what it is that they are really doing!!!

Description : What do you think about the trend of naming winter storms?

Last Answer : It’s to sensationalize it, and I think it’s both.

Description : Women, are you following this new fashion trend?

Last Answer : Of course not. It is difficult and comparatively slow to draw a sword from the back, and it leaves you open to being easily disarmed from behind. Always wear your sword on the opposite side of your sword hand, unless you are expected to be part of a shield wall.

Description : What is your opinion on the recent trend to put the faces of well known actors into video games, and not just their voices?

Last Answer : answer:It just goes to show how hard up (i.e. running out of money) these guys are. But it's capitalism. If some idiot wants to sell his image so that other idiots can see the image while they're ... m disappointed in him. But so what? I'm exercising my market role to not buy the game he is in.

Description : What do you think about Amazon's recent trend toward eliminating list pricing?(see details)

Last Answer : answer:I never believed the list prices were real in the first place; they certainly weren't consistent with what I had seen on other web sites or in physical stores. SO this change by ... Basically they are saying that they will no longer show erroneous and misleading information. Good for them.

Description : Gas station begging? Is this a new trend?

Last Answer : I’ve run into it before. Not since the $4 gas days though.

Description : Blocked by ad-blocker blocking web sites - Is this the trend of the future and it is smart for web publishers?

Last Answer : I feel the same way. The ads are too distracting and I don’t want to waste my bandwidth on them. If I can’t get in, too bad. They lost me as a viewer. I can find a substitute in half a second.

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Last Answer : If you are old school like me and cook popcorn in a stock pot on the stove try using coconut oil. Mind=blown. You want to use unrefined and I’d treat it like butter. I’m a olive oil guy myself.

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Last Answer : Brick and Mortar stores have been losing to the Internet for some years now. The big Anchor stores are losing to the Walmarts and Targets. And as if that weren't enough. these are the most expensive ... are higher and stores even less competitive. They seem to be a luxury we can no longer afford.

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Last Answer : Mr. Bertrend, my English teacher asked that I not help with your homework.

Description : What is with this new trend in drive through windows?

Last Answer : Realize that decisions like that come from Corporate. It’s probably part of trying to make the customer feel like the food is custom made just for them – “have it your way.”

Description : What do you think about the trend towards extended story arcs in movies and television?

Last Answer : I've always had more of a preference to serials, as opposed to episode-to-episode series, but I don't think it's taking over television. Since there are so many stations, the serials are ... new one, it's just becoming more noticeable now because the market is expanding and more are emerging.

Description : Do/why do languages trend away from synthesis over time?

Last Answer : Sometimes lingusitc systems can be too complex. People get lazy. Language is like a living thing. I think linguistic Darwinism.

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Last Answer : A stronger entertainment economy will replace it. “Reality” shows cost less to produce than scripted television.

Description : How accurate is Mad Men about it's depiction of the trend of smoking in the 60s?

Last Answer : answer:Pretty true. People smoked in restaurants before and after every meal, and at a table of four you could normally count on two smokers. People smoked in homes without a thought. At parties all the ... everyone in the office smoked all the time - except me - and it was affecting me badly.

Description : Now the New York Times is a paid website. What can be done about this trend and where will it end? Is Fluther next?

Last Answer : I don't know what you want papers like the New York Times to do. No one ever had the expectation that newspapers should provide their services for free until the advent of the internet. Newspapers ... by charging for their services or by some combination of the two. What other options do they have?

Description : How do you feel about the current trend of peace signs on clothing?

Last Answer : I don’t see a problem with it. What’s wrong with peace? We might need another hippie uprising soon, anyway lol.

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Last Answer : Spunkbubbles of the world unite, could be their rallying cry.

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Last Answer : “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence taste for sound quality of the American public.” —HL Mencken

Description : Is facepainting a new trend?

Last Answer : Maybe for special events, or on the fringe, or among those that are interested in following the more obscure trends that come and go. I don't really see that becoming a mainstream thing.. but, I ... and I haven't seen anyone walking down the street with a neon superhero mask painted on their face.

Description : Would you analyze a trend of your choice?

Last Answer : There is a trend that girls are hitting puberty earlier than ever and I agree that it is linked to obesity on the rise and to the kinds of foods we, as a society, feed our children (meat and ... they shouldn't eat meat and dairy and that kids, given how horrible school food is, should eat better.

Description : Are you a trend-spotter?

Last Answer : answer:Admittedly, I haven't been out much to observe people. It's one of my favourite ways to pass time on campus, though. I keep a notebook of stuff I observe, conversations I overhear (I'm ... other behavioral notations. I'm glad vintage-inspired fashion is on the rebound. I love a good trilby.

Description : Judging by recent financial trend, should I convert my holiday spending money now or later?

Last Answer : I may be off, but if they cap the well, I would think maybe stocks would rise. but exchange rate?? I’m not an expert at the quirky international rates and how it is affected by stocks? Is there are correlation?? Awesome question.

Description : In your opinion, What was the worst trend of 2009?

Last Answer : Unemployment rates and stock prices rising simultaneously.

Description : What current youth fashion trend do you find the most confusing/dismaying?

Last Answer : The trousers below the butt thing.

Description : How do you feel about the latest trend that re-creates literary classics with zombies and sea monsters?

Last Answer : I think these are a vehicle for writers who cannot come up with a decent story line on their own, so they have to borrow (steal) from real writers.

Description : Long skirts the trend, but do they make 5'4" and under women look shorter than they are?

Last Answer : From the photo it looks like she is tripping over her feet. Her right foot is caught on the fabric that is dragging on the ground. Not very realistic or practical. She is also rail thin. I still like the look of heals.

Description : What do you think of the trend for dyeing or shaving off eyebrows among models?

Last Answer : Hmm…haven’t heard of this. Geez….

Description : Photographing one's food trend: Threat or Menace?

Last Answer : To me it’s boring. I tried another site where you posted a pic a day of yourself. I dropped out after a few months.

Description : Do you believe average reading comprehension and writing skills have decreased in the general adult population? If so, what factors do you think exacerbate and proliferate the trend?

Last Answer : First, do you have any statistics or studies that show that reading comprehension and the ability to communicate have decreased? There is no diminution of demand for the skills. In fact, it is more vital than ever to be able to read and comprehend what is read. Reading is part of most jobs today.

Description : Boyfriend jeans is a fashion trend?

Last Answer : I don't think women would do such a thing. After all this time trying to look smaller and show off their curves, wearing baggy jeans won't just suddenly turn the tide. Also .fashion trends aren't ... populace follows. it could be popular in one small city and no one else would have heard of it.

Description : What do you think of the trend toward people being released from prison due to new DNA evidence?

Last Answer : The justice system owes something to them that can never be repayed!

Description : Will the technology trend ultimately result in an oligopoly?

Last Answer : Doubtful in the the US, but in the EU such a merger would probably not be allowed. Anyway, the government should prevent such mergers.

Description : Why do the Snake River plain and the emperor seamounts trend in the direction that they do?

Last Answer : Have you asked your teacher about any of these questions? A TA? Other students? I assume that this is a college course, and college professors hold office hours for a reason, go and ask him/her. If ... I'm a geographer, not a geologist, so we're often a little shady on the really technical stuff.

Description : What will be the next webdesign trend in 2009?

Last Answer : I'm interested in seeing some examples of what you would call Vintage and scrapbooking designed websites. I wouldn't really say that was the trend of last year. I would say the general ... surprised to see some new developments from Facebook that might extend past their site into other websites.

Description : Any fashion trend you are ashamed to admit you embraced?

Last Answer : 2 words: acid wash

Description : The trend to foster career over motherhood 10 or 20 years ago is it reversing now?

Last Answer : Your wording is a bit fuzzy, but I plan to be a mother, career be damned. I have lots of potential to become anything I'd like [medical doctor, architect, researcher, etc.], but my highest goal ... was seven years old was to be a mother. I'll have plenty of time after motherhood to do something.

Description : What trend or thing of the past makes you feel old?

Last Answer : The thing that makes me feel old is when I say things like: “When I was your age…”

Description : Trend or Technologically Advanced?

Last Answer : Businesses like them since they integrate with Microsoft Exchange servers easily and facilitate constant e-mail contact with employees.

Description : Is it possible that anti-religious bigotry is a new trend?

Last Answer : I’d call it a backlash against institutional abuses that have affected people on a very personal level.

Description : Ever wonder if "you" started "that" fashion trend?

Last Answer : Spandex – 1983 that was all me.

Description : What is one thing you do only because it is a trend?

Last Answer : I actively avoid anything "trendy"