Boring question #96: Do bike manufacturers actually think that padding on the upper bike frame actually helps?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t understand why they don’t make all bikes “girl” bikes to begin with? I don’t know the answer to your question, so I’ll follow to see if someone does know.

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Last Answer : Not me.

Description : Is this moderately safe?

Last Answer : answer:IMO having to self medicate your tooth ache for 26 days IMO is way too long especially with the solution offered in this video where the medicine in the capsule not only could burn ... tooth combined with Ibuprofen worked well for the kiddies when tooth aches made things painful. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, frustration can do that to me. When it happens it occurs quickly; from zero to asshole in seconds flat. And, as you mention, it can be frustration with something unrelated to the present ... before I express that anger. Wait a few hours, even till the next day to address it.

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Last Answer : answer:I would think it is because you have nothing else going on physically or on your mind, so the body’s awareness of pain is heightened. Also, you are not moving your body much, so the muscles around the injury are not moving and radiate the pain.

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Last Answer : answer:Most of last year. I twisted my knee pretty badly - pulled several muscles, for a while the doc thought the meniscus was damaged, but eventually decided it wasn't. Anyway, I walked in pain, with and ... be walking and driving as much as usual. It wasn't fun. But - it ended after a while.

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Last Answer : Well, you might start taking an OTC antacid. But don’t take it for any longer than 14 days cause it can do bad things.

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Last Answer : Could be anything. I'm surprised that a dental clinic would give him such wildly different possibilities, that make no sense what so ever. Is he young (late teens)? Could be wisdom teeth erupting. He really needs ... a guess of what could be going on. Good luck to you I hope his pain isn't severe.

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Last Answer : answer:Hot Yoga. Yeah, I walked into a class a couple of years ago. It reminded me of all that No Pain, No Gain crap that was going around gyms run by young jits who didn't know what they ... I'm more of a Paramahansa Yogananda kinda guy, myself. I even like how the syllables roll off the tongue.