Who came up with the stupid theory that the world will end in 2012?

1 Answer

Answer :

A number of people are promoting it.

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Last Answer : I will stop watching The History Channel.

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Last Answer : http://www.ask-public.com/disc/18463/what-are-your-thoughts-on-2012/

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Last Answer : huh? are you trying to say that you think 2012 is the end of the world? if so, then no it isn’t. what makes you think that?

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Last Answer : Use the search function- this question has been asked directly and in many other forms. The responses make for some excellent reading.

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Last Answer : The world will end after you are dead .

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Last Answer : answer:They will hunt for the next end-of-the-world date. Anyone done any research as to when this date is and why?

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Last Answer : just as likely as godzilla coming out of the sea and playing snooker against ronny o’sullivan

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Last Answer : Umm. Does a bear shit in the woods?

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Last Answer : d) All the above

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Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... woman Nobel Prize winner: shared her 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband Pierre Curie.

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Last Answer : If that were true, I bet people would get to work ASAP on getting around it. The first person to make and sell an ID blocker would be super rich.

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Last Answer : No, there’s just not enough energy.

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Last Answer : Maybe caused by “the captains of industry” buying technology overseas. Captains are in it for a profit, little or no profit for them if health care goes to universal health care !

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Last Answer : Probably some anonymous 12 year old playing somewhere in a suburban basement.

Description : What parts of the first-world would Trump consider to be substandard ?

Last Answer : I’ve taken to referring to supporters of President Shithole as shithole-Americans. His support is strongest in shitholes with economies based on disability checks, meth, and opioids. So, to answer the question, all the red portions on a county-by-county map of the 2016 election results.

Description : According to you, is the world violent because there are 7,5 billion people?

Last Answer : You seem to be making a supposition that the world is violent (first), and then that the cause of that violence is the increasing human population of the planet. In the first place, that ... generally does, and it's certainly not perfect, either! - to support the populations of the planet.

Description : How can we, as the human race, come together and make this world a better place?

Last Answer : Sometimes I feel that there is nothing we can do and then someone lets me in when my lane runs out or smiles a genuine smile when I buy a coffee and thank them. All I did was smile and say thank ... And, who knows, maybe in the long run all the little moments will make the big picture a better one.

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Last Answer : In Canada the growing season will be longer and resource extraction would be easier with the permafrost gone.

Description : If there was no terrorism or war in the world, would you be in favor of opening all borders?

Last Answer : There would still be large difficulties involved with open borders. Everything from economic disruptions, through the elimination of national sovereignty as the first world is swamped with the world’s poor. The threat from transmissible diseases alone would be a public health nightmare.

Description : How would you change the world if you could?

Last Answer : Exterminate Humans.

Description : Is the world a great place?

Last Answer : oh absolutely

Description : If you had a time machine what major world events would you change?

Last Answer : I really, truly feel the Kennedy assassination spun this country into Bizzaro World. Stopping that would probably stop Viet Nam, Watergate, the 60’s revolution, and much of the pain of this nation.

Description : Are you a world person?

Last Answer : I watch the news and all the good and terrible things that go on in other parts of our planet. I know we live in a global economy now and things around the world do impact some aspects of my life. ... things to attach to right here were I live that affect me in a greater way each and every day.

Description : Other than using the expression "it's a small world" with its traditional meaning, in what other ways do YOU believe our world is indeed a small one?

Last Answer : answer:It's a small world means several things to me. People are interconnected in more ways than we realize. I meet people and find out they lived in the same town I did as a child. Or, their sibling is married ... ) in FL on the east coast of the state. I've moved back and forth to FL a few times.

Description : What would you not trade the world for?

Last Answer : answer:I’m with you on that. Also, and related, my eyesight. I wouldn’t want to live blind for anything.

Description : If you had one minute to speak to the world, what would you say?

Last Answer : Get over yourselves and your petty differences and work together.We all live on the same planet and basically want the same things so let’s try to get along.

Description : When was the last time the world wasn't falling apart?

Last Answer : It’s no more falling apart now than ever. In my own life, I guess when I was 0–3. And by not falling apart, I should specify, I mean when there wasn’t some kind of darkness haunting me.