I can't stand it when people talk about _____ ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Others in a negative way. Unless the subject really deserves it which they usually don’t.

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Last Answer : answer:By accepting that: 1. People are asses, or at least some people are. Most of these asses aren't worth spending energy on. 2. There is no use in getting offended about every single thing ... as important as you wish you were and get off your high horse, tolerating others becomes much easier.

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Last Answer : No. Kids learn most of their emotions and behaviors from Mommy and when they grow older they assume they are merely obeying laws of the universe because they have never behaved any other way. In fact ... by learning new habits. For instance after they lose a fight they learn some new ways to behave.

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Last Answer : answer:You would most likely have to rent or borrow some outdoor style restaurant quality cooking stoves and pots. I don't think you could adequately make enough on a camp stove with your own pots, ... the people who participated to see what types of equipment they used and where they got the stuff.

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Last Answer : I think you might be generalizing and judging a bit much from one example. I have found many “how-to” videos on You Tube very useful.

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Last Answer : I bought $400 in $0.01 books on Amazon this year.

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Last Answer : GQ. I think I’m more tolerant…or try to be, anyway. I no longer criticize people at who wear pajamas and slippers to the convenience store, and load up on chips and pop and candy with their EBT card.

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Last Answer : The holidays is famous for bringing out the best and worst of peoples. Chalk it up to stress on top of stress some navigate this seasonal stress valiantly, others are frayed at the ... less than controlled displays of emotions. Once the snow melts people generally recover with happier dispositions.

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Last Answer : answer:I am so in the same trench as you have found yourself in. But in the end, bitch slapping all those that are clueless or that rub you the wrong way there will only find yourself, as you say, ... of the noise of the FB insanity or be prepared to wear brass knuckles every time you log on there.

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Last Answer : I do prefer mine very trim and short.

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Last Answer : …Really! I remember people talking about it, even though I wasn’t born until 1958.

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Last Answer : answer:And if you truly don’t do any of these stupid things ,then good for you but a lot of intelligent people still do, just wondering WHY?????? Oh and the list can go on and on, why don’t intelligent people dim their headlights for on coming traffic? Why do intelligent people do these things?

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Last Answer : By no choice I would have to say health. By choice would be religious views and beliefs.

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Last Answer : Who killed Bambi? Do you twirl your spaghetti or suck that strand up?

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Last Answer : answer:Introversion is often mistaken for social shyness or ineptitude, and that's wrong, both factually and in the way it affects introverts. Susan Cain is the leader of The Quiet Revolution. ... quietly. And I am a very high-functioning, confident introvert. Thank you for asking the question!

Description : When is the last time you people watched?

Last Answer : answer:Yesterday at the state fair. It’s gotten so expensive that people watching is about all I can afford to do there anymore. I hope the people I saw weren’t a good cross-section of American citizens. I’ve never seen so many obese people in one place.

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Last Answer : Fear of failure/doing the wrong thing.