What is a good age for a child to get his/her first gun [ pistol ]?

1 Answer

Answer :

I wouldn’t ever buy my child a pistol.

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Last Answer : I would ask that the gun be secured as a condition of the five-year-old visiting him.

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Last Answer : Up here unless you're a cop, you very much can be. Several cases the parents or the owner of the firearm were charged with insecure storage. The cop was a bunch a years ago, and a friend of the ... REALLY ??? why is the cop exempt from safe storage laws the rest of law abiding gun owners must obey?

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Last Answer : I think it might depend on 1. whose supervision they were under 2. if the boy was told to wear a mouth guard 3. the parent/guardian of that child new that their child was not equipped with the proper protection and still allowed it.

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Last Answer : CPS?? That might be a little drastic, but that is extremely dangerous and sounds neglectful to me. You might just call the local PD and ask if it’s illegal. I really hope it is.

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Last Answer : What would be the difference between this and letting them run free in a Walmart in Tennessee? Honestly, I'm OK with it, but not soooo young. I would say 14 + years. But, the insurance and legal ... to let my child do something like this on their own for the first time without me there to supervise.

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Last Answer : I’m 27, and so far as I’m concerned, nobody my age should legitimately have access to a firearm. If your kid is younger than 50, there’s no reason to teach them how to kill another person with a firearm.

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Last Answer : answer:I called my children by name from three months before they were born and kept the baby phase as short as possible ( Where's the baby? I thought you had him. ), ending well before they reached ... does any harm, but I didn't want them to think of themselves that way: The baby means me.

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Last Answer : Please provide supporting evidence/citations that “pro-lifers” don’t want to support the basic needs of children.

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Last Answer : Thank you for apologizing or I forgive you . They can also add, I hope that you do not [fill in with specifics] to me again. That was very hurtful. I also coach children (and ... say that's OK . Some self reflection and her own apology may be appropriate, depending on the circumstances.

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Last Answer : 8–10.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope! I only encouraged my children to participate in (a) things I thought they would enjoy, or (b) things I really enjoyed that I thought they would enjoy. I would never encourage them to do something I didn’t like unless they were interested.

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Last Answer : I would guess around 6, but the trick of distinguishing one from the other, or the capacity to define any of them is almost certainly not as common a talent as you might suppose in a class of high school sophomores.

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Last Answer : 3–4. My granddaughter, who was just 4, has been saying “please” and “thank you” for a year,

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Last Answer : When you’re mature and settled enough to be a responsible parent and provide a stable, nurturing home, but when you’re still young enough to have the energy needed to care for children.

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Last Answer : 35 or never… I was left alone at 18 for one month and I almost died from loneliness, I missed college and ran out of money.

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Last Answer : answer:My mom was a hippy and went through some phases, but I clearly remember something disturbing at age 4 involving nudity, but then again, I'm from the repressed Midwest, so what do I know. As ... room. Although with all of that, I have to admit, I have some issues with clothes myself lol

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Last Answer : When they go to school on their own. 6.

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Last Answer : answer:This is a tough question. In a perfect world – never. There’s no shame in the human body. But – in the real world…I’d probably go with school age. As a proxy. But for me, that would only be when guests were around.

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Last Answer : Why not give each kid 3 gifts? Tee hee. Sorry. I’d give the 1 year old 1 gift and the 9 year old 5. The 1 year old doesn’t give a toss just yet.

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Last Answer : I think she’s ready. (But that doesn’t make me liable if she’s not, right?)

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Last Answer : hugging and giving him affection should work. if not, sedate him :P

Description : What do you believe is the minimum age (in general) a person is ready to have a child?

Last Answer : 42

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Last Answer : answer:No. For the sake of the child, if the natural father of the child wants to spend time with his child, he should be allowed. Becoming a parent is, and should be considered a huge step. We ... the father talked her out of it, would that negate her parental rights? Of course not. Nor should it.

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Last Answer : Then the drama is between you and your spouse ex. I would try to find out first what is the reason and try to reason with the ex to do what is best for the child. At least I would work to keep ... as the cause of the divorce and may never accept you. In which case you would have to take your lumps.

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Last Answer : First and formost..find a good lawyer. That's a truely sad story. I would definitely look into Canada's laws regarding destitute and/or abandoned children. If an organization or charity has money to ... they should also have funds to hire a good lawyer to help with all the legal mumbo-jumbo.

Description : If your child appeared to be really afraid of a Santa Claus in a department store, would you force them to sit on his lap anyway so you could get a picture?

Last Answer : Seems silly. Poor kids will probably develop an irrational fear of fictional characters, much like I did with caterpillars when I was a young lad.

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Last Answer : ….life as a soap opera, much?

Description : If your kid wanted to go outside without his or her coat on, and it was really cold, would you let them?

Last Answer : answer:I would and I would do exactly what you did make them take it with them. My daughter decided one day to refuse to put on her shoes, mind you it was winter and freezing out so I let her ... times have less struggles when I can remind her of what happened when she didn't listen to me before.

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Last Answer : Nope to me they are equally bad

Description : What's your first thought if you see a guy walking around in public strapped with a pistol or rifle?

Last Answer : That he or she is a wing-nut, and to be avoided, lest one would have to hear him or her speak.

Description : 2 pistol were shoot from the same place at an interval of 15 mins and 15 secs but a boy in the train approaching the place hears the second shot 15 mins after the first. The speed of the train(in km/hr),supposing that speed travels at 320 metres per second is. a) 15.166 b) 17.144 c) 18.563 d) 19.188

Last Answer : D Let the speed of the train be x m/sec Then distance travelled by the train in 15mins = distance travelled by sound in 15secs X*15*60 = 320*15 900x = 4800 X=4800/900 X=5.33 Speed of the train 5.33 m/s Convert m/s into km/hr 5.33m =(5.33*18/5) =(95.94/5) =19.188 km/hr

Description : Fair price of pistol and what should I look for?

Last Answer : What state are you in, do you need a permit? The price sounds on the low end for a Ruger, but it has had quite a few rounds through it.

Description : How can I improve my pistol shooting performance alone?

Last Answer : Based on your other question (about testosterone-induced rage), I like that you are shooting alone (no other people around), but just don’t run with your gun, okay . . . or I see orange jumpsuits in your future . . .

Description : What ever happened to the pistol that Ernest Hemingway’s father used to shoot himself?

Last Answer : Interesting question and story. There is a book about Hemingway’s Guns. I wonder if the authors would know the answer.

Description : Is it worth the investment to restore an antique pistol?

Last Answer : answer:How much value is lost if it is partially modern restoration? Sounds like it has already been reassembled from parts before you bought it and lost much of its value. Since much value as a collector' ... am assuming you don't want to add anything to it that would not have been on the original.

Description : What would happen if a Pistol Shrimp pinched you?

Last Answer : I’m guessing here. If the claw bit you, the cavitation bubble would not occur. Your flesh would slow the jaws down as they cut through. I have no idea why it doesn’t burn itself, other than the hypothesis you make. Cool question! :^D

Description : Your best friend buys you a target pistol for your birthday. How do you react?

Last Answer : Shoot him.

Description : Where can i find, at no cost, preferably on-line, a summary of the ideas that form the "pistol spread option" offense?

Last Answer : Wikipedia: Pistol Offense PistolSpreadOption.com

Description : Do you use a laser light on your pistol? why, why not?

Last Answer : i guess it depends on the size of the laser beam….but a pistol is pretty much a close range weapon so he or she sees you any way.

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Last Answer : Most conservators advise against attempting to apply any treatment to antique leather, but there are a couple of things you can use that will have little or no long term detrimental effect: One is a ... lanolin Neatsfoot oil, saddle soap, mink oil, etc. will actually shorten the life of the leather.

Description : When is a pistol like a young horse? -Riddles

Last Answer : When it is a colt.