Is there one single recorded album, in which most of it's songs were hits?

1 Answer

Answer :

Taylor Swift – Fearless Bruce’s – Born to Run Michael Jackson – Bad Janet Jackson – Rhythm Nation

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Last Answer : answer:Ready to be depressed? While ZZ Top‘s classic has a measly six million hits, our good pal Justin Beiber is sitting at a whopping 351 million. Lady Gaga isn’t far behind at 290, and I bet if you search around you’ll find more in the same range. Hot. Dog.

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Last Answer : E, here is a good site on this problem! -

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Last Answer : It’ll probably be either Google or YouTube. I would start searching through the google zeitgeist for leads.

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Last Answer : Google Zeitgeist. It gives info on current search trends and ranks website traffic.

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Last Answer : You can come and live with us in our yurt. We will eat my sister’s canned produce from the garden cold w. spoons, burn our woods, drink from our stream. By then it will be winter, and we can die on the nearest ice floe.

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Last Answer : Their obligation is to give you a check if your claim is a valid one. Whether or not you decide to actually fix your car with it is totally up to you.

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Last Answer : Break ups do that to me.