How long do I have to wait after giving my cat a deworming treatment before I can let him share a litterbox with the other cats?

1 Answer

Answer :

Call the vet’s office in the morning and ask. Without knowing which treatment method(s) the vet used, it is real hard to give a definitive answer.

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Last Answer : lasers.

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Last Answer : I don’t think this applies to all cat lovers.

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Last Answer : Well, from what I know about hyperthyroidism, untreated in cats or in people, it can damage the heart. Of course there are other issues, but that sounds like your biggest concern.

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Last Answer : answer:Ply her with treats. First start off by giving her a treat when she comes up to you. Then follow up by giving treats each time she lets you pet her for 10 seconds. Move it up to 30 ... time, she climbed the windows trying to get out of the house. She now follows me everywhere like a puppy.

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Last Answer : I have found pets let loose in the woods. A 50% chance of euthanasia, with decent food and care, is a much better outcome. However, personally, I seek out no-kill shelters and support them. ... an ecological or health disaster. They prey on other animals and they can spread diseases such as rabies.

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Last Answer : answer:Some cats have a thing for certain plastics. Our dull human noses cannot smell the difference between yummy plastic and boring plastic though, and I would wager that the already chewed cable ... rabbit fur sometimes works, but never the cruelty free polyester substitute; cats are cruel.

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Last Answer : Have your guests give treats to him.

Description : Better to leave my cat alone for a week, or take him to a friend's house?

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Last Answer : Your cat is suffering and is very ill. He needs to be seen by a veterinarian now. Most vets will work with you if you cannot afford treatment. Please do not let your pet suffer- take him to the vet.

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Last Answer : Here’s an idea. Not a good idea, of course, but you can’t have everything. By the way, I sincerely hope nothing is wrong with your cat.

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Last Answer : If there was really a problem, he’d be hissing and spitting, and his fur would be raising every time he saw her. It sounds like they’re just playing.

Description : Why is the cat lame and how to help him?

Last Answer : Sometimes pet owners can observe the following picture - their completely healthy pet begins to limp for some unknown reason. Some owners do not attach any importance to this and do not ... and exercises to help develop joints. Neglected cases sometimes do not go without surgical intervention.

Description : Cat Owners: What experience can you share about a cat with kidney problems?

Last Answer : We gave our kitty water therapy at the direction of the vet, and that extended her life almost a year.

Description : Do you have a very proud moment with your dog/cat that you would like to share with everyone?

Last Answer : I am proud of my Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Zara all the time. I love taking her out for walks and showing her off to everyone. Of course I love all my animals but I am particularly proud ... sight. If anyone has any reservations about Bull Terriers they should come and spend some time with Zara.

Description : What is the right treatment for a cat with pancreatitis?

Last Answer : Euthanize. That is the right treatment. Your cat is suffering needlessly.

Description : Cats and dogs being derived from lines of apex predators, how intelligent would you be willing to make them before it made you scared of them?

Last Answer : As intelligent as questioning orders.

Description : Why do cats shake their butts before pouncing?

Last Answer : I am not sure but my guess is a combination of excitement and trying to get a sure footing before they pounce.

Description : A Smuggler with a bicycle carried to sack of sand with him every day. However every time he was checked at the border, the officer's let him through. Wait, what did the Smuggler smuggle? -Riddles

Last Answer : The Smuggler used two sack of sand as a distraction. So that the officer wouldn't notice that he was smuggle the bicycles.

Description : My cat is getting neutered this Friday. I'll be home with him all weekend to make sure that he's OK. Can I leave him home on Monday by himself or will he need me to be with him for a longer period of time after his surgery?

Last Answer : When cats are stressed or in pain they usually hide or want to be left alone. You can make a comfy spot for him - a crate, box or bed, even just a favorite blanket. Cats recover very quickly and unless ... a couple of days (in which case he needs to see the vet asap) you can leave him by himself.

Description : How does a cat's body know how long to make its whiskers?

Last Answer : I found this‘s%20whiskers%20are%20proportionate,is%2C%20the%20longer%20its%20whiskers article. (I don’t know why the link won’t paste right.) Let me know if it’s not coming up.