Can you help me with another awkward situation?

1 Answer

Answer :

My personal feelings? Yes, you should have called her on it right away, but since you didn’t, call her on it now. Tell her you saw her do it and you think she’s way out of line to use that info, even if she says it’s harmless and she’s teasing, it’s an invasion of your privacy and you were doing her a favor letting her use your phone.

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Last Answer : I think you should stay out of it.

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Last Answer : It gets better, believe me. You’ll both be super nervous and awkward at first but the only way to get over that phase is to keep talking. Eventually you’ll both get comfortable with eachother and it’ll be fine. Just takes some time and effort. Good luck with him!

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Last Answer : maybe you are jealous :D

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Last Answer : WTF?

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