Silly boring question #1 : Can any jelly out there guess what my avatar is?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gunstar Starfighter

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Last Answer : Whenever i see the usual jellyfish avatar i just think….newwwbiiieeeee. Havent seen too many avatars of cool man eating jelly fish yet >

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Last Answer : If you want an avatar for ask-public, google “while background”, choose a completely white picture, and set it as your avatar. It will make people think you are using a transparent avatar.

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Last Answer : Milo here; Me.

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Last Answer : I had no problem changing mine.

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Last Answer : answer:Too big may also refer to dimensions. Can you shrink it down before uploading it? Poor fluther’s server will thank you.

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Last Answer : Never.

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Last Answer : answer: I like it.. Good work.

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Last Answer : Squirbel… look all the way at the top of the page in the blue bar :)

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Last Answer : answer:It looks like the browser doesn’t support file uploads. There is a long thread here. The last comment was 4 days ago and says the problem was fixed in Android 2.2. There are also comments that it works if you use Opera as your browser.

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Last Answer : Yes, I believe that I would be the same person.

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