Can you help name this old dos game?

1 Answer

Answer :

Trade Wars?

Related questions

Description : What was this ancient dos game?

Last Answer : answer:Damn. A game with a naked lady and I don’t know it?! What are the odds? I could guess Leisure Suit of Armor Sir Lancelot, but I’m sure I’d be wrong.

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Last Answer : Quite a lot, but it debends a lot on what type of game you like :)

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Last Answer : Chrono Trigger Secret of Evermore Earthbound lol Secret of Mana Super Mario RPG. All the beginning Final Fantasy Games Wiki has an entry for all of those. RPG's take up a lot of time, maybe you'll find ... It's win and there's tons available. :) Dunno anything I could suggest for dosbox, sorry. :)

Description : Help remember this old dos game!

Last Answer : You’ll have to dig, but you might find it here or somewhere around here. You might also try googling “interactive fiction.”

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Last Answer : answer:It sounds like the first Kirby Game for the NES, but I’m not sure if there was a version that was released on the computer. Did you mean a Kirby style game?

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Last Answer : answer:Wildstar? A friend says it’s like Diet Vanilla World-of-Warcraft In Space. And it’s free. I’m so bad at MMOs (Too much stuff going on and I get confused and overwhelmed), but I got as far as the tutorial. There are no zombies.

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Last Answer : Classic applications will not work on Intel macs or PowerPC macs running 10.5. You are basically out of luck and should return the game.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ll go first. If you like Downton Abbey, then you might like The Murdoch Mysteries.

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Last Answer : And then… we answer your question and make another statement?

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Last Answer : answer:That’s what early games were like. enjoy commands

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Last Answer : answer:The only game I am aware of with a bouncy red ball, is Red BALL 6, it is somewhat like sonic or Cool Spot. It is not easy to play withiut a joystick, at least for me.