Do you believe that Depression is used by some as a form of manipulation?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I don’t know anyone that claims a disorder, I do know several people that I believe are seriously disordered, pathological narcissism with sociopathic traits that I have let go of over the years, that use all sorts of manipulative ploys. One of the biggest traits of character disturbed types is using a victim/martyr ploy to control and gain attention. I’d surmise that one could easily use “depression” for the same duplicitous purpose, but whether they are aware of that is doubtful. Then again, I have also come to believe that many manipulative personalities know EXACTLY what they are doing. Brain chemistry ruled out, sure, I think a lot of people play the “poor me” card in manipulative ways. Using the “pity ploy” is indicative of a psychopathic personality. This is not about occasional situational depression that is meant as a wake up call that changes need to be made in ones life, or due to the grieving process of other life crisis situations, death, divorce, job loss, etc. that can effect anyone. Those that cling to a chronic victim attitude are best left alone as the pity play is but one manipulative tactic in the Fort Knox of their pathology. lol

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Last Answer : Depressed people do not relate well to other people, even fellow depressed people.

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Last Answer : No,i don’t hink so. Getting used to depression is like getting used to walk with a broken leg,it would always gonna hurt and plus you can’t really walk with it,I don’t see also the reason why to ignore your depression. Depression is treatable, and boring life as well :)

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Last Answer : answer:I have lived with depression my whole life. It's horrendous. Medication helps me a great deal. I tell my doctors everything I'm going through, and we decide together what to do about what I'm ... time. Exercise helps, too. It's very good for mental health. It's not just for physical health.

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Last Answer : Slow thyroid, exhaustion, disturbed sleep, hormonal fluctuation, all sorts of things. If it passes in a day or two I wouldn’t think twice about it.

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Last Answer : With therapy and the right medication you can keep it in check or maybe beat it, hope it works out for ya,depression isn’t something to be taken lightly.

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Last Answer : The fact that you asked this question suggests that you think you might need to. It couldn’t hurt to seek help.

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Last Answer : Wife is dying, so yeah it bums me out too much.

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Last Answer : Just a thought: Would it be possible to email your school counselor and explain that you need to talk to him, but that you really don't want other kids to see you walking into his office. He might ... arrange a way to meet more discreetly. Talking to him sounds like it might be a good first step.

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Last Answer : I get that a lot. It got to the stage where I would be having such a great day, that I would know the next day was going to be dammed awful. So I would stay up later, result even worse next day. But I was diagnosed Bipolar rapid cycling o no idea if my answer helped loll.

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Last Answer : answer:Please consider seeing a psychiatrist and getting prescribed meds. They can really help, and new and better meds for depression are coming out all the time. Just be warned, it can take a while to ... from. Tell them what you are afraid of. Tell them what you want to accomplish. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm bipolar, so this is right up my alley. I can go from a wild shopping spree that makes all the blood rush to my head on Monday to total despair at the state of the world believing I ... me on an even keel. I highly recommend it to any and all concerned with mania, depression, or bipolar.

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Last Answer : Get a new job or start a business.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I understand the pickle you're in. You might have to get your parents to concede a visit to a doctor for consultation. Otherwise you might be out of luck until you're 18 and can ... guardian to help you out for that. You're not alone, many flutherers don't believe in imaginary beings.

Description : Is this a sign of depression?

Last Answer : Seem like signs of depression to me. If you feel that these behaviors are negatively impacting your life, you might want to talk to a counselor. Doesn’t necessarily mean you need medication.

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Last Answer : Absolutely not. sleep deprivation causes serious problems. Who is advising you?

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Last Answer : No. I have times when I’m in a funk, but they don’t last much longer than a few hours or a day at the most, because I’m always looking for something that makes me laugh. That brings me out of it.

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Last Answer : It's not impossible. Even broken bones eventually mend themselves, if the victim manages to live through the injury, isn't prey to attacks, and can have some time to recuperate. The body can' heal many ... 'm glad you survived; please don't recommend that others just ignore it and it'll go away .

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Last Answer : I’m depressed…

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Last Answer : First of all, real depression is a medical disease (I'm talking chronic depression. Not depression from (ex.) gaining 2 pounds [which should pass]). Having said that, you would no more combat REAL ... will pass and I'll laugh at the situation eventually. That usually helps me make it pass faster.

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Last Answer : Because they are weak and tend to give up easily.

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Last Answer : HDTV and Internet connection. I must ask-public and watch Lost in HD!

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Last Answer : I would say that exercise is the best natural remedy for depression.

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Last Answer : answer:There is nothing in our system that prevents a depression, but there are now numerous safeguards to help soften the impact of a depression. Frankly, I think we're heading into a depression ... a recession. It's highly unlikely that we'll ever see something like the Great Depression again.

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Last Answer : We should be able to once again purchase bootleg alcohol from Speakeasies in Chicago.

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Last Answer : No but I’m depressed that it’s the only thing anyone is talking about on Ask-public.

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Last Answer : We all get anxious sometimes. We all have mood swings. Changing moods and anxiousness are normal. After all, being anxious sometimes spurs us on to be prepared for an upcoming task and helps ... also do wonders in enabling the sufferers to reclaim their lives torn apart by anxiety and depression.

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Last Answer : How To Treat Depression Most of us have our low times once in a while and that's perfectly acceptable. What differentiates an ordinary low time from a clinical depression? Major depressive disorder is a ... inside. Likewise, all the pressures of life can never hurt you unless you let it in.

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Last Answer : I am.

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Last Answer : Have you ever tried talk therapy? It sounds like you could really use some help from a skilled counselor. Therapy can make a big difference – it did for me. Good luck!!

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Last Answer : It does sound like depression. I'm not a psychologist though, maybe it is just apathy or indifference as you say. My suggestion is put things in your calendar to look forward to. Do you have that ... better. Maybe see a therapist now. Maybe you are a candidate for therapy, or for an antidepressant.

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Last Answer : A One A Two A Three

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Last Answer : Is that a normal reaction or do I need a shrink? I am normally a happy go lucky type with a “What me worry?” attitude and outlook.

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Last Answer : People can, but it sounds like you might need to work on whatever it is that people are bullying you about. Do you have a good idea what that’s about, or is it still mysterious? Sounds like you could probably use a coach and/or some outside perspectives.

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Last Answer : tan253, I think anti-depressants or some form of anxiety medication can only help. You seem to go through phases where you ask a lot of health-related questions, then we won't see you ... many questions are supporting your hypochondria. I have no idea whether we are helping or perhaps hindering.

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Last Answer : You need to ask a doctor this question. None of us could know. Your diet, activities, and endless other things could be involved. You are asking for a diagnosis. That must be obtained from a doctor. I ... and feel better very soon. If anxiety keeps you from seeing a doctor, get a friend to help you.

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Last Answer : I would be greatful not To have children. You are free to do almost anything with out discussing it with a committee. I would just order a pizza with your favorite toppings, and chug name brand cola from ... ) for help. What I do is cry in the bathtub while listening to music until I feel better.

Description : I take prozac, does it make me delusional?

Last Answer : answer:I take prozac to help with my PMDD and a bit of OCD. No one in my world that knows seems concerned. If people are rejecting you because you are doing something to make your life better, maybe those are people who need to know a good deal less about your life.

Description : Isn't giving up easier?

Last Answer : :-( I don't have any real answers for you. Remember that there are subsidies for people on low income for insurance through the exchanges. Do you have disability insurance? Have you talked to a doctor ... of absence? If it's work pressure related you could maybe even take workers comp for a bit?

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Last Answer : No, I don’t rely enough on all those someone-elses in my life, which is unfortunate. Friends and family can bring so much joy, but I always look to myself for my own happiness.

Description : Have you ever had a friend, acquaintance, co-worker, or family member who viewed things very negatively?

Last Answer : answer:The draining feeling you described is what a counselor once told me people with borderline personality disorders or other like disorders. In which case I say they can only help themselves. ... and negative can help me evaluate a situation appropriately and with a certain amount of caution.

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Last Answer : Oh, a few time, a not not always by choice.

Description : How do you take care of yourself?

Last Answer : I went for ribs in stead of having a panic attack alone

Description : Is there anything about the Holiday Season that makes you feel blue?

Last Answer : Well I’m in 30+°C heat. It never feels like Christmas to me in December. I grew up in the Northern hemisphere. Also, I miss family that have died. Not that I’m going around like the Christmas grinch or anything. I just bung on the Christmas spirit for everyone around me.