Fish died in the tank: What do I have to do to prepare the tank for a new fish?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would just replace the water and the filter cartridge and run the filter for a few days before adding any new fish.You could probably get away with just a new filter cartridge. I had real plants in my tank so it wasn’t a big deal when a fish died. Do you have a heater in the tank?

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Last Answer : Scrub it with salt. It’s abrasive enough to clean without scratching the glass, plus it will kill stuff in there. Just rinse really well.

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Last Answer : Fish tanks are usually warm, wet and have plenty of food for bacteria. The same reason people have foot odor.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not really so much as how many fish you have (especially when talking about only three) but what each fish needs Surgeonfish and Tangs generally are recommended a minimum of 75 gallon tank for an ... 75 gallon tank. I think some more fish to keep them company isn't to bad of an idea

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Last Answer : I like fancy guppies, swordtails, Angelfish (a little agressive) and even the ugly little catfish types. That tank would hold a pretty good number of fish if well planted.

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Last Answer : We always throw our fish in buckets when we move tanks or make drastic changes. If it is a short term thing, I don't see why a cooler wouldn't be okay. They advise against using soaps or ... keeping fish in, because it's very likely that it will leave a residue regardless of how well you rinse.

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Last Answer : A goldfish bowl?

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Last Answer : Just put them in the five gallon tank together ;) kidding haha Well, I heard that fish have to have a steady habitat temperature, so if there’s a heater, then I don’t think you should. A little tip is to change the onegallon-fish’s water at least once a week—they’ll live longer and be happier!

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Last Answer : Just make sure the water’s the right temperature (aka the lights aren’t heating the tank too much), and remember to turn the lights off at night. Fish have circadian cycles, too. :) It’s SWEET that you’re keeping cichlids, btw!

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Last Answer : Well you could go to your local pet store and look in their fish section to find items you think you'd like to look at in your tank. after all, each person has their own taste in decorations ... around in. Plants also attract hide baby fish as well for they usually will swim in the plants to hide

Description : What does it mean when a gold fish sits on the bottom of the tank and only swims around when it is time to eat?

Last Answer : He could just be ill. Just take care of him as you usually do. Get the water tested see if anything could be causing the illness. I’ve seen it happen to fish before they’ll just snap out of it an get back to normal.

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Last Answer : No. All it does is make the filters of them all less likely to be changed. It will not hurt the fish and it will be less work for you

Description : If it's true that Beta fish are fighting fish and can't put them into same tank because they will kill each other. Then how come they don't kill each other all off in the wild and become extinct?

Last Answer : Yes it's true. Though they don't actually fight (expect for maybe a little biting), they psych each other out till one dies. They are territorial. If a beta goes into another area they'll fight . ... the pond is gonna fishes whole territory but a little tank isn't going to be enough space for two.

Description : Is there an easier way to change the water in a fish tank?

Last Answer : I use something similar to this. Except mine has a little ball on the hose that you squeeze to get the water going. And I usually only take about 33% of the water each time I clean it. Usually the day ... water I plan on putting back in. You don't really want to just dump in water from the sink.

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Last Answer : They freak out because the laser is bright and the water dissipates the light throughout the tank.

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Last Answer : answer:Remind me of the process again. My memory is not that sharp anymore but I think the process you outlined before would increase pH slightly. I think OH^-, hydroxide, was produced. A base.

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Last Answer : What a cute cabinet! It looks sturdy enough. I’m sure it will hold up quite nicely.

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Last Answer : Scroll down half way

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Last Answer : Might. When we had the land with a pond and it flooded in January. Rick suddenly noticed all the small fish fry in the pasture surrounding the pond. They were stranded there for a couple days after ... scattered in the grass of the pasture. The warmth of our hands was enough to bring them back.

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Last Answer : I can see it on a thick tuna steak or similar cut. But for fillets it seems weird.

Description : What is your fish called?

Last Answer : Um. It was a gold fish for my grandson. It did not have a name.

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Last Answer : Any seismic activity going on?

Description : Do fish get PTSD (post traumatic stess disorder) after being picked up from a waterspout?

Last Answer : I doubt it. They don't seem to think like us. I would opine that I think most wild animals live in a constant state of fear, and anxiety. It is relevant to note, that many lakes are stocked by ... a plane, I suspect that they get over a tornado. Nature has gifted most fish, with a short memory.

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Last Answer : Don’t know. I put my fish in a bowl of water, and left it to drown. Feel awful about it, of course.

Description : What is the weekly limit to eating fish?

Last Answer : In my opinion, dietitian are like psychologists. They have some helpful knowledge, but they have marketed themselves into making believe that they are at a higher level of expertise than they really are. I find salmon tasty as well. Where I live it is not that cheap.

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Last Answer : You know what was annoying about that article? While I was reading it, a video commercial started playing automatically.

Description : Do you know your fish, how many can you name (without Googling)?

Last Answer : answer:Bass Catfish Trout Perch Tilapia Salmon Jackfish Shark Bluegill Marlin Gar Goldfish Clownfish Koi Guppy Shad Cichlid Piranha Eel Pike …ran out of steam.

Description : What is up with celebrities getting plastic surgery to make themselves to look like they have fish lips?

Last Answer : Like Joyce MEYER’s on the Vision network?

Description : Can I put these fish in the same aquarium?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like a horrible idea imo. These fish will fight, bad. Wolf fish are horribly horribly aggressive. (I'm surprised you can see buy them where you live, they've been banned in my area due to ... likely won't get along, stick to one type. If you want a community tank, go non-aggressive.

Description : How much fish food should I add to a 500 gallon pond with a dozen goldfish and 20 frogs?

Last Answer : answer:I have aquatic frogs and I feed them dried worms. I forgot the kind of worms they are - I will google it. These frogs are about 4 inches from head to toe. I put a pinch of the ... little sticks around ½ long. Those turtles are a bit bigger. When they were smaller, the sticks were smaller.

Description : Why do the instructions say to remove the frozen fish from the original packaging before thawing?

Last Answer : Do they then say to immerse it in cold water to thaw? If so, they may be hedging against the possibility that the store packaging may have been compromised. If it were leaky, then water could carry contaminants from the outside of the package in to the fish.

Description : What kind of fish is this?

Last Answer : An Arowana?

Description : What's wrong with cooling your feet in a lake filled with fish?

Last Answer : Just some educated ID ten T. It is less dangerous than swimming off the Florida beaches with all the sharks and other predatory fish.

Description : Those of you who keep fish as pets, what do you get out of it?

Last Answer : I would like to have a large fish tank. It’s a peaceful kind of feeling, like having plants in the house.

Description : If you were a fish, what kind of bait would hook you?

Last Answer : Coloured mini marshmallows.

Description : What is the name of this fish or shark?

Last Answer : It is a leopard shark.

Description : Why are my fish still gasping for air?

Last Answer : answer:Algae eaters are the easiest way to handle that issue (specifically they're called plecostomus'). They're usually dirt cheap for the basic south american common breed. Keep in mind though, they will not ... Changing out 25-30% of the water on a weekly or bi-weekly basis will help a lot too.

Description : What are some of the most colorful freshwater fish (aquarium fish)

Last Answer : answer:I am a huge fan of tetra tanks: hardy, peaceful (for the most part), easy to keep. Cardinal tetras Neon green rasboro Serpae tetra Black emperor tetra Congo tetra Lemon tetra (While you ... bearers like swordtails and mollies, I've found them to much shorter-lived and more prone to disease.)