Do some mothers know when they are pregnant from the moment of conception instinctually, how so?

1 Answer

Answer :

Strangely, even my mother “sensed” that my sister-in-law was pregnant, and my sister-in-law was only a couple of weeks pregnant with no obvious outward signs. Maybe it has something to do with the soul and energies.

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Last Answer : Please stop by your local pharmacy and buy a test. Doing so shouldn’t cost more than a few dollars. First, the homemade bleach test isn’t accurate. Second, urine contains ammonia, which creates toxic fumes when mixed with bleach. That might be your “frothy foamy results”—a hazardous concoction.

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Last Answer : You are not pregnant if you didn’t have “it” with a guy.

Description : Am I pregnant?

Last Answer : It’s kinda hard to tell through this computer screen.

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Last Answer : I would buy another home test and see what it says.

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Last Answer : answer:Breathe. Even if your slip up did lead to pregnancy, you wouldn’t have cravings for a long time. Sometimes people just want ice cream. If you skip a period, take an over the counter test. You said you just got on the pill. Did you do Sunday start, or first day of the period start?

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Last Answer : I can only speak from my own experience and I never experienced anything like you are describing. Certainly I had some morning sickness and the later months of pregnancy, some aches and pains and felt a bit ... until full term (own business) with the last. I think you should go and see your doctor.

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Last Answer : High.

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Last Answer : Possibly. Doctors will be able to confirm. Just in case – congratulations!

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Last Answer : I had the 3d ones. This was only during my first pregnancy, apparently that was the only ultrasound machine they had so all my ultrasounds were done in 3d.

Description : A question for women who have been pregnant.

Last Answer : My understanding is that ectopic pregnancies do happen very early, but I think they are quite rare. What I can tell you about getting pregnant is that it doesn't hurt, but when you are due ... the stronger cramps. Check with your doctor if you are having pain. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous.

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Last Answer : Call her doctor. Does he or she have an emergency service? If not, take her to the ER to be on the safe side.

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Last Answer : Don't take this wrong, but I had a dog that was diagnosed with the same illness, alopecia. They recommended the vitamin melantonin for hair growth. I looked at google and it appears there is information ... this could help you while pregnant. I want to add that melantonin is used as a sleep aid.

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Last Answer : answer:It was Midge” not Barbie. And you can get her for only $96. She has her own website called Pregnant Barbie, but it’s really Midge.

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Last Answer : answer:It is OK to take hot baths within limits: Yes, as long as the water temperature isn't over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have to ease your foot into the tub, it's too hot. If you're ... 's developing cells, and though you can cool off by sweating, your baby can't. OB GYN Carol Lynch

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Last Answer : I thought you only got one free one. The rest of them, you have to pay for. This is what I have heard. I could be mistaken.

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Last Answer : I conceived around 17 days. This is my son, conceived on our wedding night. So when I tried and didn’t conceive with my first daughter, we changed the ‘have to have intercourse’ to 16–19 days and it worked, twice.

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Last Answer : I’d ask my gynocologist. He/she will know you best.

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Last Answer : Take another one to ease your mind.

Description : Was Kate Todd pregnant?

Last Answer : answer:I am a little confused by your question but hopefully this will shed some light on the subject. Don Bellisario (the creator of NCIS) made this statement about the matter of Sasha Alexander (Kate ... didn't develop more on her, because she knew she wanted to leave the show. Hope this helps.

Description : Am I pregnant?

Last Answer : It seems to me that you are pregnant. All the signs that you describe are pointing in that direction.

Description : 21 weeks pregnant, panic disorder, and needing 2 root canals...

Last Answer : answer:1. breathe now. 2. Talk to your dentist. Modern medicine has come a long way, and it's completely possible to do magical things with local anaesthesia. Honestly, if it's that bad I'd ... would hurt your kid a lot less than a jaw infection, a course of antibiotics, and emergency dental surgery