Why do I feel like I failed, and why does it hurt so badly?

1 Answer

Answer :

He’s an individual, he can do what he wants. Like @gailcalled said, just like you did.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the school only gets the report you release to them? You'll have to double check me. I know a school can't just look up your scores, but what I'm not sure of is if ... you can get your questions answered. You already notified the school you were taking the test again? Is that right?

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Last Answer : answer:I know that there are different companies which offer either partial of total money for employees who want to further their education. Obviously you wouldn't be a full time student but taking courses toward ... employees. (I'm pretty sure Zappos is one of them but I'll go double check that.)

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Last Answer : answer:Let the process do what it’s going to do. Do your part by sending in the application, and step back from the rest. It will happen on its own. This is a very exciting time for you, and you should relish the whole thing. I wish you the best of luck for all your applications!

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Last Answer : answer:Your main problem here is that you waited so long to fill out a FAFSA. But I took a similar route. I did a FAFSA to go to a Community College when I was 24. And I had dreadful credit. I ... you what they will give you. Go into the school and sign your name in about ten places. Pretty much it.

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Last Answer : answer:No, it will not be free. But there are reduced tuition rates for an in-state resident. Florida State University Florida residency requirements for tuition purposes. What state do you live in? ... to the state university or a local community college for two years will be your cheapest option.

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Last Answer : As long as you avoid slang and textspeak you can ask them if it is appropriate.

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Last Answer : Do some reverse job interviews. Contact some places with hiring potential which may interest you. Tell them that you are making a life decision, and that you would like someone to talk with you about what the job has to offer an applicant.

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Last Answer : answer:Although I haven't personally heard many cases of it, I'm sure that it's possible. However, you'll probably be overextending yourself. If you really want to study both languages, and ... we were an engineering school) and it took most students five years to graduate with the major alone.

Description : How hard is it to be a librarian?

Last Answer : For most actual librarian jobs ( not just “assistant”) a Masters of Library Sciences degree is required. It involves more than just shelving books. I believe there is at least one librarian, here, you should direct this at her.

Description : How can I not make everyone upset at me?

Last Answer : How far are you from getting your degree? If you’re in the home stretch, stick it out and finish! If not, talk to your advisor about taking a leave of absence; spending a year slogging it out and paying bills may change your mind.

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Last Answer : I had a part time job in college which kept me in pizza, text books, etc.

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Last Answer : answer:Very, very little. My college career got me a job in the field that I had chosen (Construction) and once I had the job I actually learned how to do it. I cannot think of a single thing ... Basically all it did was show that I could put up with four years of bullshit and still keep my wits.

Description : Confused about applying for FAFSA?

Last Answer : answer:It's not too late. What happens is when checks are dispersed you most likely won't be part of the first group that receives their checks. Instead you will receive it toward the middle of the ... you to sign up for financial aid. This is all stuff you should be looking for on your own.