How to add people to Myspace IM?

1 Answer

Answer :

People still use myspace?!

Related questions

Description : Myspace messed up?

Last Answer : answer:Try loading it in different browsers and see if that makes it work. You might also want to try clearing your cookies and loading it again.

Description : How do you delete songs or playlists from myspace?

Last Answer : What you need to do is completely delete the myspace account because myspace is just utter garbage and I never hear anyone mention that they even go on there.

Description : How can I put a song on Myspace?

Last Answer : i hook mine up through, i actually listen to a wide variety of random music and always find what i’m looking for. what song are you trying to get? sometimes i find i need to type in both the band name and song title to find songs, if i just type in the band name it won’t show up.

Description : When will myspace finally come to an end?

Last Answer : I only made on to satisfy the horde of freaks I know on there. I rarely go back.

Description : MySpace or Facebook?

Last Answer : answer:Myspace makes my eyes burn.. And I don’t want to hear your favorite song when I visit your “Myspace” page. I hate Myspace more than all my family members that always ask, “When are you going to have kids?” Facebook is tolerable.

Description : Are you sick of myspace?

Last Answer : I use it infrequently so I could take it or leave it. Why are you sick of it?

Description : Why does Myspace kill my internet..?

Last Answer : Cause they have a shit load of crap to load on their pages. My internet doesn't exactly crash but everything goes way slower if I'm on a Myspace page. They have all their advertising ... they've got videos, and plus 47642659074511392634 people spam their pages with videos and pictures everyday so .

Description : Do you hate it when bands add you on myspace?

Last Answer : Yes I didnt like that either… can change that in your settings.

Description : How do I add a profile song to my MySpace profile?

Last Answer : Wrong place to ask that question

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Last Answer : answer:Loneliness. Boredom. Under the false impression they have something important to share with the world at large.

Description : How does's feature "add source" work ?

Last Answer : I have already heard about this feature:). I think its safe because it is a parser that couldn't harm to you. You just fill in the bar your site name and their crawler will index all your files. ... 't really know will it help you to promote your files Visit their blog - good luck

Description : How do you add new websites to Chrome's "New tabs page."?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know about adding a website. My best guess would be open it a bunch of times until it appears. Maybe make it your home page a while. But once it appears, there is this: Make ... Customize the page to see the topic:

Description : Will most of my current add-ons work with the firefox 3.6 update?

Last Answer : All of your current add-ons will work the Firefox 3.6 update. Enjoy the new features! Also, to check the compatibility of the top used add-ons, check out this page: Many addons currently work the the alpha versions of Firefox 3.7!

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Last Answer : Maybe I’m not facebook savvy, but do you an example or better way of explaining?

Description : Is there a web site I can ask a question and add pictures to the question?

Last Answer : What most folks here do is to upload the pics to a photo sharing site like photobucket or one of several others and then post a link in the details of the question, like in this question.

Description : How do I add a member to Facebook ?

Last Answer : First you log in to your Facebook group. Then you will see there is an option called "Invite". Click there and invite your friends to join the group. Add members to your group by inviting them this way.

Description : I 'm connected to a wifi zone , I don't know the password , how do I add someone new ?

Last Answer : You must have mobile root to be able to download wifi password recovery from this link

Description : How do I add my site to freebasics ?

Last Answer : You can submit from here.

Last Answer : Go to your phone's e-mail app to add a signature to your smartphone's mail. Then go to settings by clicking on Menu button (Menu-16.png All Tips and Tricks (Megatune)) of Android smartphone. Click on the ... choice and click OK . From now on you will see your signature at the end of the mail.

Last Answer : Do you know that your smartphone supports Gmail , Yahoo , Hotmail ? You can attach your mail account to your phone if you want. To do this, click on the e-mail app from your phone's menu. Then ... by which the mails will be sent. Busy! You can now send mail to your phone from your mail account!

Description : When people say that their Facebook or Myspace "was hacked into"... what is the usual cause that led to the successful hacking?

Last Answer : Usually if it’s hacked, it’s by a friend. Sometimes friends tell each other a bit too much, most of the time friends stop liking each other and this password gets passed on to other people. As far as it getting hacked by a random. Well, I’m not sure.

Description : Do you think it's weird when older people have myspace and facebook?

Last Answer : Yes, I do. Haha

Description : How many people actually use Myspace?

Last Answer : Are you asking how many of us use it, or how many total?

Description : Is this creepy, should I change my user name, and how the heck do you delete a myspace account?

Last Answer : answer:I can't help you specifically but had essentially the same experience yesterday. I was having a pre-surgery assessment and medical history interview with the nurse at my orthopedic surgeon's Pre- ... fingertips that I had completely forgotten about. She said that it was all in the records.

Description : Will Facebook end up like Myspace?

Last Answer : answer:All things must pass. Eventually so many people will be upset about FB privacy issues, they will cancel - after they set up an account with a more responsible company. It will ... info to other criminal. Digital spies use post info to formulate believable attack emails. (Already happening)

Description : Does anyone use Myspace anymore?

Last Answer : I don’t even remmeber my password to my account. It had a cool Silent Hill background though. But yeah, I think it’s pretty dead, although technically, it’s still active.

Description : Facebook won. Hands down. Beat the crap out of Myspace and whatserface. But why doesn't YouTube have any serious competition?

Last Answer : answer:They're completely different websites. Facebook and Myspace were similar because they were ways to meet and talk with people and present yourself on a page. As for Youtube, lets say you make videos and ... to mind, but Youtube was just much more direct it seems. It knew what it wanted to do.

Description : Do you drunken facebook, myspace or ask-public?

Last Answer : Tonight’s a Killian’s night.

Description : How many gigabites does myspace take up on a cellphone?

Last Answer : One gig of Internet traffic is quite good for normal mobile surfing. You should be able to read emails, check myspace and other sites for at least a month or so. I’d say.

Description : Where can I find a good tutorial on creating MySpace 2.0 layouts?

Last Answer : I have a myspace, it's really easy actually. Look up crash codes on google and there should be one for myspace. The codes will help you make your profile look really cool. Sounds lame ... profile background. If you need anymore help or questions, add me on myspace.

Description : Why is it all about Facebook these days? What happened to MySpace?

Last Answer : myspace became a breeding ground for sharks so all the little fishys went to facebook. and facebook has a more user friendly interface and layout.

Description : How do you feel about the possibility of your Facebook and MySpace posts being used to deny you insurance benefits?

Last Answer : wow thats insane and yeah you should have the right too say no

Description : Which is better: Facebook or MySpace?

Last Answer : MySpace is pretty much for whores, 12-year-olds, and pedophiles. What more needs to be said?

Description : Can anyone help me with my mac/myspace problem?

Last Answer : download and run this program, see if that does it. it could be some kind of plugin issue also.

Description : Is there a way to view a private Myspace/Facebook profile w/o being someone's friend?

Last Answer : Nothing on the internet is “private”.

Description : Is there an excellent free Myspace band editor?

Last Answer : Have you tried any of these? Some are free downloads, others cost from $5 to $60. You can compare features and see if any of them have online reviews. Good luck! http:// ...

Description : Why are young men in Ghana messanging me on Myspace?

Last Answer : Old ladies are the most likely to fall for Nigerian Scams…

Description : Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, internet chat forums in general, the fall of human individuality?

Last Answer : It is the fall of humanity. The Anti Christ.

Description : Do you like Facebook or Myspace? why?

Last Answer : I tried them both out at the same time. With MySpace I was instantly inundated with spam to my e-mail account and random friend solicitations. That did not happen with Facebook. . . . Oh… I didn’t answer the first part… Facebook. :o)

Description : Do you have any good stories of finding former (missing) friends or making great new friends on facebook or myspace?

Last Answer : How far can friends go missing when you’re only 14 years old? Yes, I know adults use those too, but judging by the obnoxious layouts, interpersonal drama, and wangst on those sites, it can’t be that many.

Description : How do I change my Myspace background?

Last Answer : You’re probably following a bad tutorial. Just google one of the following phrases, ‘change myspace background’ or ‘howto irritate your friends’.

Description : Good looking "myspace like" audio player for the web?

Last Answer : Cannot comprehend those words being used together in that way. Good looking ≠ “myspace like”

Description : My boyfriends ex girlfriend is creeping me on myspace and facebook. what do i do?

Last Answer : First block her from your profile if you haven't already, and then just ignore her. Don't stress the people that are just out to hurt you, it just gives them what they want, and it makes you ... if your dating him now, your probably i way better girlfriend than she was and she's just jealous!!.

Description : Can one modify a for-MySpace graphic so it is visible in a Hotmail email?

Last Answer : no one answered your question : ( Copy paste or save and then add attachment to email

Description : Do you use MySpace or FaceBook?

Last Answer : I avoid both. It seems too cultish to me. And really, I don’t need to know when my friend is going to the grocery store or getting her cat spayed. I just don’t get it.

Description : Where can i find the coolest layouts for Myspace pages?

Last Answer : or my favorite on coolchaser you build your own or pick premades hope that helps!

Description : When you go in someones MySpace page, can they see who it was?

Last Answer : No

Description : What are some negatives and positives of Myspace?

Last Answer : Not sure about Myspace (‘cause I don’t “do” Myspace and I’m too old), but, with ask-public .. sometimes my work suffers. ;-( It’s rather addicting, as well. Congrats!

Description : Any websites that use custom altered colors in the icons for facebook, twitter, myspace, etc.?

Last Answer : you may have to create your own try somewhere like

Description : Has Facebook ousted MySpace?

Last Answer : I much much prefer facebook; my myspace is a thing of the past. I haven't had any activity on it for almost a year, and I don't much care. Facebook is just much more streamlined, sleeker, ... internet culture. Facebook took the basic idea of myspace and took it to a new level that was far superior.