Is it safe to download iTunes on my laptop?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:When you open up iTunes on a new computer, you can transfer all your purchases to the new library by using a relatively newish feature called iCloud. This transfers every purchase you’ve ever made from the account, when previously you could only transfer what was on your iPod at the time. As a side note, the last time I checked you could not transfer movies that you’ve bought with your account, only music and apps. However, this only transfers purchases from that account. If you’ve put music from CDs you own or anything like that on your iPod, those won’t be transferred and you’ll have to put them back in your library. Another side note: One iTunes account can only be authorized on five different computers. If you want to authorize it on a new computer and you’ve already done it with five others, you’ll have to deauthorize it on an old computer. If you don’t have the computer anymore, you’re pretty much out of luck. Basically, don’t download iTunes on more computers than is necessary, and always deauthorize it on a computer that you won’t be using it on anymore. As for answering your second question, from prior experience, just having iTunes installed won’t slow your computer down much, if at all. While iTunes is pretty slow when it’s in use (much less so on newer computers), I never experienced a significant change in computer speed just because by downloading iTunes. Hope this was helpful!

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Last Answer : answer:You can do it with GeekTools and some Applescript. Start here. Some nerdery will be required. If I wasn’t on the road I would do it for you. But I won’t be home anytime soon.

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Last Answer : Did you pay for it? Have you done a search on your computer?

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Last Answer : The closest I know of is having the visualizer show the album art while it is on. The cover will show in the lower left hand corner of your desktop.

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Last Answer : answer:If the songs are in your trash can you can highlight them and drag them to you iTunes account. I'm not sure how much is in your trash can but just highlight one of the songs and hit command ... and the non songs should be rejected. FWIT, I've never tried this but I think it will work.

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Last Answer : answer:You will have to - there is no way to delete duplicates, because iTunes wants YOU to determine which copy you want to keep. Are they exact duplicates? Are they all within the same Music ... different dates in the Date Added column, as this may be the only distinguishing field. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:iTunes will only sync to apple players – iPods iPhones and now ipads so you can’t use iTunes to sync music to the LG. If you have windows 7 you could use windows media player to transfer music to the phone as it has support mp4’s.

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Last Answer : what happens if you use the up and down arrows/left and right arrows on your keyboard?

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Last Answer : Well what you've gotten yourself into is something called recovery mode . It's really annoying. I ran into it a few times and lost quite a bit. What I'd suggest, although I dont know if ... If you dont want to keep the jailbreak just back up everything and restore your device. Hope this works.