I can't stop thinking about this. Can you imagine with me one more time?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well the Earth is like a cell within the supergalaxy except that it’s exclusive to this thing called life. Of course I admire your astonishment of your new found amazement of Biology and Astronomy. :D

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Last Answer : answer:Not all ice cream has eggs. In fact, I think most store bought doesn't have eggs. To answer your question, yes I think some people think they have allergies and they don't. Also, sometimes ... when he took, and my husband had no idea. Long story short, he takes penicillin with no problem.

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Last Answer : 10 million.

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Last Answer : We can not relate to quantum mechanics or a universe with more than 3 dimensions, because we evolved in a macroscopic, 3-dimensional, newtonian world. However, we can still describe it with ... being, no matter how advanced, can be described by, and ultimately related to , with mathematics.

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