Exercising through the pain of osteoarthritis: medication equals dedication or no pain, no gain?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Only Celebrex was guilty of killing people. If you can tolerate NSAIDs ( and most people can just fine), why not take them? They are life savers.

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Last Answer : answer:More likely it won’t be very effective than make you sick. But, if it made you sick, sounds like not a good idea. Is his dose maybe much higher than the dose you were on? That drug is pretty strong and addictive. Have you seen a pain specialist? Or, only an orthopedist?

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Last Answer : B. Asking the client to rate his pain on a scale of 0 to 10 by writing on a magic slate

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Last Answer : Very little information here. Uhh. Could be infection. A good case of the flu, can start with achy joints. Inactivity. Laying around can mess up your joints. There are conditions. Like DJD. ... Rheumatoid arthritis. General wear and tear. Loss of lubricant. (Glucosamine, and condroiten can help.)

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Last Answer : Surely your doctor can advise you regarding the best pain reliever for you to use.

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Last Answer : Maybe you have Shingles. Or deep vein thrombosis. Best to ask a doctor.

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Last Answer : 0 ill tap out now. I have emotional pain at nights, that I deal with daily. I don’t want any more.

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Last Answer : My guess is that you have a migraine. You really need to see a doctor.

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Last Answer : answer:Hmm it’s possible that it’s become over pronated. See here janbb Also my friend expressed pain to me in his ankles and he found out he had gout. He quit drinking things that would cause inflammation in his body and he recovered.

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Last Answer : YES.

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Last Answer : answer:Rest and an elastic support or belt around the area, if you are talking about the muscles around the rib cage. Online medical advices says that if it doesn't calm down in a ... for lower back pain. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/way_5147090_treatment-pulled-rib-muscles.html#ixzz30iSxjNxe

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Last Answer : Maybe an insect bite? Does it have a central mark of any kind? How big are we talking?

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Last Answer : Aleve and a hot, hot bath. Bed rest after, on your back

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Last Answer : Take a double dose of painkillers. From everything I've read, a dry socket would not cause anyone to wonder if they have it. They'd be crying in agony. I think they'll say to put a half unfrozen ... 'd think you could have some level of discomfort for a week or ten days. Hope you feel better soon.

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Last Answer : answer:Generally I hide it when out among the public. Most people hide their physical pain from what I have witnessed. Well, not exactly hide, but they present themselves as not being in pain. It is impossible ... to let people know you are in pain. If you need help, or an exception of some sort.

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Last Answer : Consult an Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngologist) specialist.

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Last Answer : Why haven’t you gone to the doctor to get a diagnosis?

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Last Answer : A heating pad, strong basil tea, plenty of water, ibuprofen or something stronger if you can get a prescription. Good luck.

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Last Answer : If you are not allergic to aspirin, then Excedrin is a good choice.

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Last Answer : answer:Empathy. My son put on a movie last night. One that I can hardly watch due to the thoughts it provokes in me. I had to shut it off midway through because i just didn’t want the last thing of my day to be a tear-jerker.

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Last Answer : Work done by Dr. Ron Melzack and his associate did considerable research on this at McGill University as early as the 1970's. A literature using the researcher and institution name and the key ... to you in the PsychLit and Medlist databases would help you find excellent answers to your questions.

Description : I burned the roof of my mouth yesterday when I was eating a meatball sub. What can I do to stop the pain and bleeding?

Last Answer : answer:Bleeding would be a very severe burn. Can you see blisters? Mouths heal very fast typically, but for a burn that is bleeding possibly you need to see a doctor? I am really not sure. I'll send ... very cold water for a minute. It has to be done immediately after the burn for it to really work.

Description : If I need prescription pain meds asap, where do I go?

Last Answer : answer:There are lots of urgent care walk-in facilities that charge around $80 per vist and exam, including a prescription. I have used them on weekends and holidays with my insurence for convienance sake. ... with them. It's really your only option unless you have a free clinic in your community.

Description : Pain in upper inner thigh?

Last Answer : You need to see a doctor to get a diagnosis.

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Last Answer : Could be R.S.I..

Description : How do you cope with physical pain?

Last Answer : wine helps.

Description : What kind of back pain am I describing?

Last Answer : It sounds awful. I’m sorry that I have no help, but it seems as if the doctor is the answer (or a chiropractor).

Description : Is there a pain patch that works in a localized area only?

Last Answer : I wonder if a Lidocain patch would help. It worked well for the pain between my shoulderblades before I started yoga.

Description : What is this pain in my feet when standing up?

Last Answer : Sounds like it might be the beginnings of plantar fasciitis. See a doctor to find out before it has a chance to get worse. I suffered through it for a long time, not believing it was anything serious, and am lucky that the resulting damage could be reversed/mitigated through behaviour alone.

Description : Does pain make your b.o. different, worse?

Last Answer : It can, But not always

Description : Could this pain be caused by my wisdom teeth coming in?

Last Answer : answer:Uh I'm not a dentist and I have zero medical training. But I have had toothaches from time to time, and a few extractions. (At my age, it ain' no thang.) And I also had braces ... whole mouth pain. You need to be scheduling a visit with your orthodontist and getting some pictures, I think.

Description : Is it true that if you are in pain, the pain medicine is not addictive?

Last Answer : That’s silly.

Description : What is this weird pain in my elbow?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe Tennis elbow' ? Without a check, impossible to say for sure. Are you a sports person, have you done anything with that arm lately that has been stressful on the joints? It could be anything, raking ... , maybe icing it and if it doesn't feel better in a week or two, go to the doc.

Description : Do you ever get this strange pain?

Last Answer : Contact dermatitis, just a guess. You may be putting your elbow/forearm on a surface with an irritant.

Description : Do you know of any stretching exercises to ease back and/or neck pain?

Last Answer : Cobra postures are helpful for back pain. I am also a big fan of cat stretches.