Are you aware that some news reporters are contractually obligated to deny climate change?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s legal if you agree to the terms and get compensated for it. I would not sign such a clause, I don’t think, but then I have never been offered an obscene amount of money to be silent on something like this.

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Last Answer : No Zack, I don’t feel obligated. I usually do though.

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Last Answer : She should be talking to the chair of that particular department, or should have before the test. Your riding in on your horse like Lochinvar from the West is not a good idea; if she has ... can help her with reports. Does she have medical or some kind of documentation about her learning disability?

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Last Answer : I can direct you to a law on a dot-gov website that states pretty darn clearly what happens to you if you don’t pay federal income taxes. You go to jail. So if by “voluntary” you mean, your choice is your money or your freedom, the suuuure, it’s voluntary.

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Last Answer : It’s optional for either party. I think both the man and woman should wear their rings.

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Last Answer : If someone wants my dog there is nothing saying I need to give them my dog.

Description : which According to the Truth in Lending Act, which of the following is the bank NOT obligated to inform you of?

Last Answer : A.Annual fee amountB.APRC.APYD.Interest calculating method