Why do Americans wear shoes in their homes?

1 Answer

Answer :

Um, not all of us do. I don’t think it’s an American thing.

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Last Answer : answer:Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., New York, Virginia, and West Virginia. North Carolina are Mid-Atlantic states. Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee are East South Central States. West South Central States are Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas

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Last Answer : answer:My son, as Senior Patrol Leader of his scout troop, is leading a flag presentation at a memorial day service at the local cemetery. He is also officiating at a US Flag Retirement ceremony at the same time. I focus on remembering those who died in combat, and those who fought for us.

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Last Answer : It is a little known fact that President Jimmy Carter in 1977 in his first month in office, wanted to sign a bill mandating outhouses for all Americans and due to a strong Republican push ... a bill was passed that any indoor plumbing was limited to toilets only .virtually outlawing fancy bidets.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope, they are just as fucked as we are according to the Gini Coefficient. They just went from zero to fucked in 20 years and it took us 100 to do the same.

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Last Answer : “Lose some weight, you fatties.”

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Last Answer : Fear is perpetuated by ignorance. I am an American (not a proud one) and I am certainly not afraid of Haitians.

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Last Answer : I am very proud to be an American! I try to only surround myself with like minded people.

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Last Answer : For ages now, we've acted as though we're the only show in town. The American public pays little attention to what goes on elsewhere in the world, knows very little about other cultures, and ... weapons of destruction in the world and have shown our willingness to use them whenever we feel like it.

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Last Answer : I wish I knew.

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Last Answer : yes, I definitely believe we do. Just ask someone who was born in the 30's or before. And, additionally, I believe we have a big problem with immediate gratification. It's quite obvious when you ... But,then, you also have to look at the obvious difference in the parents who have raised those kids!

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Last Answer : It’s all about discipline and depersonalization; making the individual subordinate to the whole group.

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Last Answer : He probably doesn’t realize the significance.

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Last Answer : On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say 0 (zero). What does it even mean to love a “nation”?

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Last Answer : Of course we were never told about it. It would have defeated the purpose of all of the “America is the greatest country in the world” propaganda we were all brought up on. And in my opinion that’s what it is. Propaganda.

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Last Answer : And why are saggy tits on older women fair game for crude jokes?

Description : Is it broadly true that the right looks to individuals and cultural factors when explaining social ills and seeking solutions to them while the left looks to systems and societal structures?

Last Answer : I agree with C. They’re both on to something.

Description : Have you noticed a lack of sympathy for Asians from other minorities?

Last Answer : The idea that “non white” minorities are competing among themselves to be the whitest is absurd. The lack of sympathy you haven’t noticed would, if it existed, be absurd too but racism isn’t based on reasoning.

Description : Who invented the term LatinX and do you like it?

Last Answer : I don’t have any strong opinions on it one way or the other, but I’m a white Jew.

Description : What period in US history are you most interested in learning more about?

Last Answer : All of them.

Description : What do the stars on the American flag mean (details inside)

Last Answer : I doubt that one in a million Americans could answer that question. It's probably to be found out there somewhere, though, maybe in a biography of Betsy Ross or literature on the history of ... of doing something was not really a priority with the early Americans. They were pretty tough cookies.

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Last Answer : The ones native to North America went extinct a long time ago, and what we have now was brought in during the Spanish Conquest it seems.

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Last Answer : dear lord

Description : Is the USA a bully?

Last Answer : Self appointed hall monitor,then yup.

Description : Why did some American women before and during 1920 didn’t support women’s right to vote?

Last Answer : Their husbands and fathers brainwashed them into thinking they weren’t good enough or smart enough to vote.

Description : Any tax laws we should know about?

Last Answer : That sounds new to me… What’s a “long-term” capital gain for that purpose?

Description : How do you think Putin sees American voters right now and the country as a whole?

Last Answer : Fourth graders.

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Last Answer : Much of that unity is really myth - and that's ok. When people are calling for unity and bipartisanship, it's really a call for the elimination of dissent. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging ... described as being divided or troubled . However, these are really the most healthy of times.

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Last Answer : The US not only does not police the world to prevent dictatorships, it actively supports most of them through Foreign Military Financing, and openly trades with even more than those. ... authoritarianism. US disengegement would end in fewer dictatorships, and likely a much more peaceful world.

Description : Are most if not all serial killers in America white men?

Last Answer : Yep. And most sexual assaults are perpetuated by white men, too, although that seems to be changing.

Description : Are all these news items re. toddlers killing family members for real?

Last Answer : The shootings are accidents. These kids are not aiming. For instance, the dad who was shot, his kid was probably trying to bring the gun to him, to play together. If kid was going to climb onto ... theirself to a hospital, and can't seem to identify their attacker or exactly where they were shot.

Description : What are some misconceptions that you see around the world about American people?

Last Answer : That they are all white, fat, obnoxious, rich, cheap, in your face religious, Trump supporting , tourists .