If a person speaks a very complicated language as his native tongue, would this make it easier to learn other languages?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. If the person has access to a lot of phonemes (if vowels have a lot of different sounds in Complexinese, for example), then that person will be naturally better at differentiating phonemes in other languages. If it’s just complicated because it’s crazy and chaotic, like English, than maybe not.

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Last Answer : Gamsa is really informal like if i had a friend the same age as me and we are good friends or to someone younger than me. gamsahabnida is the formal way of saying it. that's to an ... but still considered informal. best bet: gamsahabnida. you can never go wrong with speaking to someone formally.

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Last Answer : Perhaps it would be good to work on your spelling and grammar in English. I decides? towered? Wright?

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Last Answer : Spaish because it’s the second most commonly used in america.

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Last Answer : Unless you are surrounded with family, or friends who can assist you daily, go with Rosetta Stone. lol

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Last Answer : I like livemocha. You can do it for free (though there is stuff you can buy to download, but you don't need to). You get to teach people your language while they teach you theirs. ... the pronunciation and everything. I have learned some French (native language being english) using it. Good luck!

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Last Answer : It won’t be easy but there’s a huge demand for native English speakers that are also fluent in Japanese.

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Last Answer : Edit: oops – you want it free. I had a good one for Hebrew – but it aint cheap. About 800 bucks. Nevermind.

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Last Answer : answer:…and Spain isn’t in Europe? I prefer Italian.

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Last Answer : answer:The only way you will learn anything is practice, practice, practice. You didn't ride a bike without falling the first time you saddled. You didn't tie your shoelaces until many trips. ... spaghetti dinners and would be very willing to mentor you. Immerse yourself. Don't give up. Practice!

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Last Answer : If you think about it, there is some truth in it, not least because we have politeness out of politeness, friends do it, there is no such thing in English.