Do you believe in the Red String of Fate theory?

1 Answer

Answer :

No. And it is at best and with a lot of stretching a hypothesis, not a theory.

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Last Answer : answer:1,321,851,888 (July 2007 est.) According to

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Last Answer : answer:China — Population: 1,321,851,888 (July 2007 est.) According to Next time, consider searching Google. Ask-public is better for quetsions that require human knowledge.

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Last Answer : I know that physics works.

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Last Answer : No, I do not believe in predisposition. Things do happen for a reason and that reason is cause and effect, not by some mystical arrangement or plan or script. I believe in free will in that ... depend largely on external forces. See ya .Gary/wtf PS: Fortune telling is total nonsense in my opinion.

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Last Answer : I suppose it could be viewed as fate: Every time I've been laid off, it has always worked out as an improvement in my career. On the flipside: Every one of the [edit] companies , that laid me ... exist [or got out of the industry]. So maybe it goes without saying that it would be an improvement.

Description : Do you believe in fate?

Last Answer : Fate???? I met my woman when she was 12 years old. Today, she is 62. It took us many years, I was married to 3 others and she was to 4, I have 4 kids, she has 5. Yet, things happen by ... age problem but it could have been taken care of. We are very happy today. Fate comes when you least expect it.

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Last Answer : (d) Locus of Control

Description : Please explain string theory in laymens terms.

Last Answer : This video has a pretty good explanation i really cant elaborate on that though as i really dont understand it well myself.

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Last Answer : I have read The Elegant Universe and a few others and I still find String Theory mostly incomprehensible (and the Nova program did not help at all). My confusion is further ... the biological sciences and so my exposure to mathematics/physics theory is largely limited to popular culture.

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Last Answer : Matter is really just energy oscillations, and the universe really consists of eleven dimensions.

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Last Answer : In theories of quantum gravity, the graviton is the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity. ... In string theory, believed to be a consistent theory of quantum gravity, the graviton is a massless state of a fundamental string.

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Last Answer : need answer

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Last Answer : He needs surgery at one point in his life, recovers perfectly, and goes on to tell the tale.

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Last Answer : Yes. Recall that Perseus slew her by looking at her only indirectly, as a reflection in his shield. Geordi also sees things indirectly. I would put my money on his survival in that confrontation. I'm ... . If he encountered her, I hope he would have his look and then exit with all deliberate speed.

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Last Answer : answer:Well lads... We tried. Kind of.

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Last Answer : Chicken and egg I guess. Of course in a democracy we rely on the voters to put competent people into office. I guess the question also is, are elected officials obligated to represent the people who ... and the right. That if we the people go back to respect and compromise the leaders will follow.

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Last Answer : From Zero’s POV, predestination. From reality, chance.

Description : Have you ever cheated fate?

Last Answer : answer:Sure. Through medical intervention, I utterly failed to die in childbirth. Suck it, Reaper.

Description : Is it remotely possible that Bruce Jenner, instead of being a tragic victim of gender fate, is really just a publicity hog?

Last Answer : answer:This story really gets your goat, doesn't it? I don't see her as either a tragic victim or a publicity hog. I see her as someone who came out to what she felt she was. I have ... experience as opposed to male or transgender experience but ask-public is not the place I would discuss them on.

Description : Can one mess up fate? How can one fix messing up with fate?

Last Answer : “fate” to me is just another term for cause and effect. Even “cheating” is bound to it. You can not cheat cause and effect. Whatever you do, whatever happens to you, is fate. The cold and hard mistress of cause and effect is immutable for objects above the quantum level.

Description : How is the fate of Christopher Pike reconciled between the Original Series and the J.J.Abrahms film?

Last Answer : Yes. You cannot reconcile the differences in Pike’s life as Star Trek is just a TV show/ movie. It isn’t real, and the writers can do anything. We’re just lucky they didn’t make Chris a transsexual rock being.