1) Were you spanked as a child? 2) How fearful of a person are you today?

1 Answer

Answer :

I was beaten silly as a child. I was also abandoned. I do not know if that had to do with what happened to me later. ( Drug addiction, all manner of exploitation, starting at age 13) Today I am middle aged and am caring for the parent that beat me. Does it matter? I don’t know. Do I care? No. The journey I have had, I cannot blame on anybody, but maybe I should. I just know that the parent that beat me and left me, I am now wiping the sweat off his brow and the gross spit off his lips. He constantly tells me,‘what am I going to do when you go home?’ ( back to our country) . Can I blame him now, a ww2 prisoner? I do not know. I am only doing what I feel like I should do. I have come to know the human being behind the evil face that I barely remember. I takes alot of work to shake the bad memories of our past, especially those whom have had bad childhoods. It need not be a part of you forever. PS . I don’t know if it is because of my life on the streets, or this, but I fear nothing. Nothing. And I have been if some hell trying circumstances.

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Last Answer : I’m afraid of zombies, but I think that’s a rational phobia… I mean they do eat brains.

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Last Answer : My fear of spiders (no bugs i general) is really primal. I hate their shape, which seems very archetypal to me. My fear of bes is because I am allergic only. Otherwise, I quite like them.

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Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

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Last Answer : losing them? not wanting to be friends any more? or to death?

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