Do you automatically assume someone is jealous of you if he or she does not like you? If so, why?

1 Answer

Answer :

I never thought that. I know that’s what some parents tell their children so they don’t feel bad, but I was never told that. As a child I just assumed that some people were just mean.

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Last Answer : I find I'm jealous when I think someone has something I don't think they deserve or I believe they have it and don't appreciate it. It's my perception and not necessarily the way things are but I'll ... make any sense that I'm okay feeling envy but I don't equate it with jealousy? Dunno but I do.

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Last Answer : Yes. The phrase the grass is greener on the other side of the fence , comes to mind. I had a problem with the students in university who had their own cars. Until my friend told me ... fatal chronic condition, called life. Life Is usually referred to the human condition.Life happens to us all.

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Last Answer : Nope – I’ve never heard of that one. It does seem strange. Welcome to Fluther!

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Last Answer : answer:It's time to drop the friendship - too toxic. You can either send her a message of explanation, which would be the kind thing to do, or just unfriend and block her. Unless you think there is ... pleasant to you in person but nasty on social media is to tell her you are dropping her from them.

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Last Answer : answer:Without seeing both pieces of art, I think it's hard for us to say if you're overreacting or not. Is there any chance that, even though she frequents the website less than you do, that she ... that reason alone. If you really want us to critique the images, though, we would need to see them.

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Last Answer : Do you want to be plan B? If you don’t, and you bring it up, be prepared for it to end.

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Last Answer : Oh sure, especially when I was younger or when a partner tries to bullshit me when it’s too late…oh I’ve been there…these things are much more controllable now that I’m in an open relationship…

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Last Answer : Perhaps if you talked to them as asking advice, rather than comparing notes or bragging about your dates they might be more cooperative. Nobody likes to hangout and converse with someone who is talking about how great their social life is all the time..

Description : How to deal with a jealous friend?

Last Answer : If it was me, I would distance myself from the friendship for a while to give him a chance to get over me.

Description : Do you find this to be true; individuals who are overly critical of others are most likely jealous?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think so, but I guess it depends on what you mean by overly critical. I'm very critical about the people that are taking care of my family (wether it's doctors, nurses, daycare ... just nitpicking what other people do, I suppose jealousy could be a part of it, depending on the people.

Description : Do pets get jealous?

Last Answer : I believe they do.My cat will kick some a$$ if she feels slighted ;)

Description : Is it bad to be jealous of your sister?

Last Answer : Is she younger or older?

Description : Can a guy tell when you're jealous?

Last Answer : He just knows you, that’s all. My boyfriend can tell, and the more I try to hide it, the more he can tell.

Description : Has anyone been secretly jealous of a good friend?

Last Answer : jealousy is natural

Description : How do I deal with jealous co workers?

Last Answer : Who cares about stuff people say that they don’t have the balls to say to your face? and You are being paid to do a job, and you do it well. You aren’t being paid to be liked.

Description : Friend jealous of girls around her boyfriend...

Last Answer : She’s got issues.