Did you ever confuse a dream with reality?

1 Answer

Answer :

I do this all the time. I don’t remember my dreams often, but when I do, they are usually based on reality. I rarely have a martians invading type dream. So I tend to confuse what people have said to me and can’t figure out which I was dreaming and which is real. Sometimes I’ll just ask the person if they said that or did something, and I’ll simply say (after their answer) that I had a dream where blah blah blah and explain why I asked. I’ve never done anything drastic based on this.

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Last Answer : I’m in the middle. Expect the worst but hope for the best. That makes me a hopeful cynic.

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Last Answer : Here's one explanation, though probably less interesting than you would like: confirmation bias. That is, 99% of the time, you dream about things that don't end up happening, which you forget ... occur. This seems very interesting so those are the dreams you then remember. That's confirmation bias.

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Last Answer : sounds like a typical puberty dream to me. What are you reading or watching before bedtime?

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Last Answer : I don’t…and I don’t care, because in any case the dream would comprise my entire world, and there would be no reason to act differently.

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Last Answer : answer:Dreams can be a way of understanding what is going on on a subconscious level. But frankly, I prefer basing my important life decisions on events that occurred while I was wide awake. Plus, dreams ... t mean anything significant and yes you are over analyzing it. PS - Welcome to Ask-public :)

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Last Answer : I love wandering through such dreams but as Dunsany said bricks without straw are more easily made than imagination without memories.

Description : Have you ever awakened from a nightmare and hoped it would become reality?

Last Answer : I was awakened the night I made the choice to exchange my past life for a new and much emproved one, I guess you can say, I’ve been, upgraded. Thanks to Unholy Thirst, then you came along, then Mastema. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

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Last Answer : Every single republican, superstitionist and trickle downist.

Description : Do dreams happen in reality, like, real life?

Last Answer : No.

Description : What's your take on Dreams being connected to your reality?

Last Answer : The dream you talk of, is that from the sleepy state? . . . or is this like an aspiration of the future?

Description : Can a positive mindset really change reality, or not really?

Last Answer : Reality is what it is. Positive thinking without positive action is merely drinking the cool-aid

Description : Can anyone relate to having an “over-active” and extremely vivid imagination to the point that it crosses into reality?

Last Answer : Wow!

Description : Do your dreams often have repercussions on your reality?

Last Answer : Maybe it would be a good idea to try to keep the difference between dreams and life straight. You may be punishing innocent friends.

Description : What is the meaning of this dream, and have you ever had it or something similar?

Last Answer : You have a fear of getting shit all over you and the house.

Description : Did you ever have a dream where you figured out that you were dreaming, or probably dreaming, and did not or could not awaken?

Last Answer : No. When I realize I am dreaming, I have no problem waking up. In fact, I am more or less forced awake through the process of reflecting on the dream. It's a funny sort of thing, but as the ... my this can't be right switch, and the realization that I'm dreaming puts an end to it all.

Description : Have you ever had a dream, where a dog walks up to you, licks your ears, then whispers to you to clean out your ear wax, and call him later for a date?

Last Answer : It means your medication is no longer doing its job. Up the dosage—please. No! Wait a minute! You’re horny loli! What are you gonna do about it?

Description : Has a dream ever come true for you?

Last Answer : No. Just some of my nightmares.

Description : Do you ever dream guilt?

Last Answer : That obviously wasn’t a dream, but simply flies paying her a nocturnal visit. They grew tired of her shit, so burrowed into her brain and gave her that dream.

Description : Have you ever had a dream where you fell in love with someone you know...?

Last Answer : I myself have not, I humped a jelly in a dream once & she cut my cock off with a big knife

Description : Have you ever had a lucid dream?

Last Answer : Yes, only once too, but I distinctly remember, consciously thinking, this is a dream, just wake up and I did. haha I dreamed my car rolled down a hill above a lake or drainage canal of some sort and after I ... a dream and I woke up. What a relief, I didn't actually drive my car into a lake. lol

Description : Have you ever woken up crying because you were crying in your dream?

Last Answer : answer:Oh yes. I think it's your brains way of sorting out things we need to address. Perhaps we're missing our mum. Or we're cross about something. Or feeling hurt. It can leave you feeling quite bereft. ... too. Usually with my poor husband! I don't make him pay for things he does in my dreams :-)

Description : Have you ever had a dream like this?

Last Answer : Yes. I have dreamt of the nuclear apocalypse and subsequent alien invasion herding the remaining humans into camps

Description : Have you ever had a dream, or a nightmare, that stayed with you for life?

Last Answer : Yes, and though I am no longer a believer in any sort of existence after death, I am almost convinced that through a dream I had about 25 years ago, my godmother must have somehow come to bid me farewell before ... . I don't want to go into it too much beacase to this day it affects me to the core!

Description : Has a bad dream ever left you feeling anxious the next day? What to do about it?

Last Answer : Longing and anxiety dreams are just that; longing and anxiety. They’re not predictors of anything in real life, they just mean your subconscious mind is working on something while you sleep. I have them every night.

Description : Has anyone ever had a dream where you get shot in the head and everything slowly fades to black around you?

Last Answer : answer:Someone somewhere probably has. I’ve died in dreams twice that I remember (quite vividly, even many years later): once by drowning and once by a sword through the throat.

Description : Have you ever talked to someone already dead in your dream and was able to express what was in your heart?

Last Answer : I talk to the dead when I can. They’re still around. Love.

Description : What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

Last Answer : answer:My brain has conjured some shitstorms while sick, haha. My junior year of high school I was sick during exam time and my exams were postponed. One night after everyone else had taken exams but ... group test required a group test REQUIRED. I woke up just as I was running from the house.

Description : Have you ever had a dream/nightmare come true ?

Last Answer : answer:Uh. Mostly. Depends on what. I often dreamed of doing things when I was younger, and, afterwards I actually did those things. But, I don't think there's a connection between the two. It is ... [or Greeks, not really sure, maybe both] believed that dreams come true, whether we like it or not.

Description : Did you ever have a dream that affected your waking attitude?

Last Answer : I’ve gone into work a few times peeved at a co-worker because of a dream episode and avoided them until I shook it off and got back to reality.

Description : Has anyone else ever had more than one dream in the same imaginary location?

Last Answer : Yes. I don’t know if I’m unusual but I have a whole crazy repertoire of recurring dreams. The same themes and activities over and over, but also, a lot of them take place in any number of completely made up locations. I’m pretty used to it by now.

Description : Have you ever had a dream that involved Fluther or Flutherites in some fashion?

Last Answer : yesssssss—he he hee—

Description : Have you ever had a horrifically graphic, emotionlly disturbing dream? If so, how did you deal with its affects?

Last Answer : Yes, I had one last night. Usually I wake up with my heart racing and shaking. It takes me a while to calm myself back down and I will lie awake for a while getting over it. Most of the ... that the details of the dream will fade in the daylight lthough some remain vividly in my mind for a while.

Description : Have you ever had a truly disturbing and/or horrifying dream?

Last Answer : Wow. That will take some thought. Scary stuff.

Description : Have you ever had the experience of being visited by a deceased loved one in a dream?

Last Answer : answer:Nope, never. Sorry :P

Description : What is the Worst Dream you have ever had?

Last Answer : Worst dream I ever had was one were I had accidentally killed someone. I don’t remember the details of the dream exactly, but for most of the next day I couldn’t shake the incredible feeling of guilt and I felt like the law was coming after me.

Description : What's the most interesting dream you've ever had?

Last Answer : I have chronic nightmares. So every night is pretty interesting.. But in 7th through about 9th grade, I had the same dream a few times. Big Bird was being chased around a field by a sheep with an AK-47. It ended a bloody mess.. But it’s probably one of my strangest.

Description : Have you ever had a dream which was a continuation of another dream you had a long time ago?

Last Answer : Yes. My dreams have sequels. And occasionally the locations in my dreams are the same, but the story is different.

Description : Do you ever live an entire life in a dream?

Last Answer : Never. Dreams are very short. I don’t think I can stay in REM sleep that long.

Description : Do you ever remember a dream a few hours after you wake up and get upset that it was only a dream?

Last Answer : I once had a dream that was so hauntingly frightful it scared me for the entire day, and brings up weird feelings when I think about it now.

Description : Have you ever died in a dream?

Last Answer : Yeah it was sickening, I was shot in the head. That day I woke up and developed bronchitis within hours…. coincidence?

Description : Have you ever had a dream come true in your waking life?

Last Answer : The day I got married baby ;)

Description : Have you ever woken up from an urgent dream, only to realize that what you remember makes no sense?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve only had a few dreams where I remember everything perfectly, and everything fits together. Most of my dreams are like what you said. I wake up, and realize, “That isn’t possible.”

Description : Do you ever dream of celebrities?

Last Answer : Only Johnny Depp!! Yo Ho!!

Description : Was it real or just a dream?

Last Answer : No. Not yet at least.

Description : What you think of the Franz Kafka-like dream I had last night?

Last Answer : That’s your guilt manifesting itself in the form of wanting to do something different.

Description : What does this mean in a dream?

Last Answer : There is not enough information to analyze. Why is your ex still trying to influence you? Your ex knows your mother dreamed this? Sounds a bit controlling. What is it you would do differently based on this feedback from your ex?

Description : What would you have thought when you woke up from this dream?

Last Answer : I’m really interested in what alcohol / drugs you took before you went to sleep. I want some for myself.

Description : If a good idea, song, character or plot for a book, etc comes to you in a dream, is it your idea / creativity? Or is creativity only things you work on consciously?

Last Answer : I don’t think it matters. Creativity is creativity, regardless if whether it was a conscious effort or the snap of a finger. My guess (at least for me in my experiences) is that you can’t manufacture creativity or ideas – rather, they come to you in an unpredictable flash.

Description : What does this dream mean my husband thinks about me?

Last Answer : LOL. Is this one of those am I pregnant questions again? I think it means he loves you.

Description : What does it mean if a butterfly lands on your finger and it feels like they’re biting you in a dream?

Last Answer : It doesn't really mean anything, it was a dream. Much of dreaming is essentially defragging your consciousness, and sampling fragments as your brain cleans things up. It took a number of disparate thoughts and ... /narrative. That is all. But now you can use it to develop a screenplay or a novel!