How did you know you would make it if you were struggling or in a maze?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m going through that right now. And after years of thinking it over I decided that holding on to a job that I hate just because it’s “secure” is crazy. At this point I’d rather stick my neck out and see if I can finally do something I like, even if it means working a little harder or not having as many benefits. Sure I may have to go back to school and that in itself scares the hell out of me but I know it’s the best thing in the long run. At the end of the day I realize that nothing is secure.

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Last Answer : Sorry Judi, I meant for you to pass the note to Rosalind. She was loose from what I heard.

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Last Answer : answer:Reconditioning, providing other skills, finding what's missing psychologically and treating them the way they should have been treated as opposed to the manner in which the bullying happened in the ... to punch a bully in the nuts. But it only perpetuates and reinforces the negative behavior.

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Last Answer : Yes. Very close.

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