What is the influence of (violent) computer games on (budding) psychopaths?

1 Answer

Answer :

Meh.. maybe a little extra excitement but, psychopaths have been enjoying drowning kittens and all manner of evil, cruel and psycho antics far before the advent of video games. Fantasy is always a precursor to acting out but it’s the acting out that solidifies the fantasy. It’s possible than when they cross the line from fantasy to acting out that a certain violent game theme could come into play. Gah..shiver…I’m done. lol

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Budding is a normal mode of asexual reproduction in

Last Answer : Budding is a normal mode of asexual reproduction in A. Hydra and starfishes B. Hydra and Sponges C. Hydra and tapeworms D. Sponges and starfishes

Description : Illustrate the following with the help of suitable diagrams. a) Regeneration in Planaria b) Budding in Hydra c) Spore formation in Rhizopus

Last Answer : Illustrate the following with the help of suitable diagrams. a) Regeneration in Planaria b) Budding in Hydra c) Spore formation in Rhizopus

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Last Answer : (2) Haemapheoditism Explanation: Hermaphroditism is a form of sexual reproduction. Hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. ... snails, slugs, etc-are usually parasitic, permanently attached to another animal or plant.

Description : Inarching is also called as a. cutting b. Budding c. approach grafting d. non of these

Last Answer : approach grafting

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Last Answer : Stooling

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Last Answer : f. Both 2 and 3

Description : Seed formation without fertilisation in flowering plants involves the process of (a) somatic hybridisation (b) apomixis (c) sporulation (d) budding

Last Answer : (b) apomixis

Description : .Budding is a normal mode of asexual reproduction in (a) starfish and Hydra (b) Hydra and sponges (c) tapeworm and Hydra (d) sponge and starfish.

Last Answer : (b) Hydra and sponges

Description : Which of the following is/ are a method of propagation? I. Cutting II. Layering III. Grafting IV. Inarching V. Budding Correct code is - a. I, II, and III only b. II, III and IV only c. III, IV and V only d. I, II, III, IV and V

Last Answer : d. I, II, III, IV and V

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Last Answer : d. Yeast

Description : Aonla is commercially propagated by • Patch budding • Cutting Air • layering • Wedge grafting

Last Answer : • Patch budding

Description : Yeasts of the species Saccharomyces a. Are Used In Bread Making. b. Reproduce By Budding. c. Are Members Of The Ascomycetes. d. All Of The Above (A—C) Are Correct.

Last Answer : d. All Of The Above (A—C) Are Correct.

Description : Best time of budding in Ber is a. Feb – March b. July – Aug c. Nov – Dec d. Jan – Feb

Last Answer : b. July – Aug