Should I give the gift before the birthday?

1 Answer

Answer :

Wait. He’ll enjoy it even more on his actual birthday.

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Last Answer : gift certificates or candy.

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Last Answer : A portrait of myself.

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Last Answer : I think it is a personal choice? If you feel you would like to gift her, then gift her. It need not be elaborate. You could even take her to a farewell lunch with the kids.

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Last Answer : answer:Something consumable. Bake him some cookies or cupcakes. Get him a large package of Twizzlers licorice sticks or M&Ms, or pick out some really nice cheese and a baguette. Get him a gift card for the ... , and give him a cute card with a note that tells him what his friendship means to you.

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Last Answer : If she likes to read, Amazon will ship books as gifts.

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Last Answer : Sounds normal to me. I know many people feel differently, but I think that birthdays are important. I think it's really a positive thing to take one day out of the year to celebrate your own life. That ... for yours. Or, because you normally don't, they might just assume there is a reason for that.

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Last Answer : Have a professional picture made of the two of you together. That will be something that when you are older, you both will be happy you have.

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Last Answer : I’d trade it for a Beretta or a Colt 1911. I am not fond of Glocks. Other than that I would love the gift.

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Last Answer : Birthdays should be celebrated! They are a great way to show someone that you care:)

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Last Answer : Blow jobs are pretty special and usually really mean something.

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Last Answer : It is rude! Aren’t presents the only reason you invite people to your party anyway? They should help with organizing the party at least. Or bring the keg. Either one.

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Last Answer : What are some of her hobbies?

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Last Answer : Best Buy gift cards?

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Last Answer : I’m 30 and I still get checks on my b-day and X-mas. Too old? Pfft

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Last Answer : blow job.

Description : If a guy friend gave a friend who's a girl a heart shaped necklace for her birthday, does that mean something?

Last Answer : Are you kidding? Clearly yes. P.S. The more expensive the necklace, the more badly he wants you.

Description : Is it (or should it be) customary to bring a present for the mother when attending a child's birthday party?

Last Answer : Wow, no. That’s taking gift giving too far. (More power to you for being so generous, though.)

Description : Birthday Question?

Last Answer : Wait a year. Get the tattoo.

Description : Do you have any interesting/sweet sympathy gift ideas?

Last Answer : You can send a chocolate, or fruit, gift basket. Or ask if she needs anything; Like a maid service, or a delicious casserole dish? Or you can pay for an extra long distance phone call? Or let her ... house until she gets on her feet? Sorry for not being helpful. I don't handle death and loss well.

Description : What is the best or most favorite gift you have ever received?

Last Answer : My mom gave me the best sweaters, very warm and comfortable.

Description : What should I buy for a house warming gift?

Last Answer : A furnace?

Description : Which is the most valuable gift / award you have received so far?

Last Answer : I hate gifts. They too often reflect what others think you like, and that is limiting. However, my Mom bought me a gift a few years before she died that is quite precious to me. It is a replica of the Maltese Falcon. It’s the stuff dreams are made of.

Description : Can you help with a gift idea?

Last Answer : Do you know any of her hobbies or your mom might have interacted with her might know what she likes? Have you met her outside or at home which can also give some clue what kind of art she likes etc ... what you're looking for. She might be thrilled to hear that and agree to help you with your cause.

Description : What will you bring to the ask-public White Elephant Holiday gift exchange?

Last Answer : I’ll bring it. I have The Beach Boys on vinyl. I think it’s a ‘best of’ album. I’d check but it’s in the bedroom and Jon is sleeping. It was one of my mother’s favorites.

Description : What is the most disappointing gift you have ever been given?

Last Answer : Yes, the “gift” of life! Nothing more tragically disappointing!

Description : Do you re-gift gifts that are given to you that you don't like or want?

Last Answer : I never do that, if it is a gift for special occasion like my birthday. That’s disrespectful to the giver. But if the gift is just casually given to me, and if it’s of little value, like a pen, I may give it away.