What really is the fastest/easiest way to clean a bathtub?

1 Answer

Answer :

I use my angle grinder with a buffing pad on it and Ajax scouring powder. However I was just told baking powder would do as good a job and is greener but I have no personal experience on that.

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Last Answer : Always

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Last Answer : I just use my regular vacuum.

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Last Answer : answer:For me, the only times the entire house is clean at once is either when I'm having company or when I'd have the cleaning lady come. On my own, I'm usually doing a little here and there. Load ... (wipe the sink, wipe the toilet, throw in laundry). It's hard to quantify when it's like that.

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Last Answer : I use a Swiffer mop, but instead of the disposable thingies, I use a regular washcloth soaked in about a half-vinegar, half-water solution. If you want to get fancy you can add a few drops of essential oils for a nice smell. Then I can chuck the washcloth in the laundry.

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Last Answer : answer:My husband is a hardwood flooring installation, repair, and finishing professional with over 20 years of experience. He recommends mopping wood floors lightly with a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 3 ... a wash cloth attached to a Swiffer. Easy to rinse and reuse, then toss in the wash.

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Last Answer : We have staff for that, none go by the name of Jeeves though.

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Last Answer : answer:You might try acetone, if you’ve not already, and/or Goo Gone. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer: dirt under my bottom kitchen cabinets that I just can't reach I use a hard bristled toothbrush duct taped to a hard wooden dowel. You can spray the bristles with cleaning fluid first - rinse, repeat ... ruler (with NO cork bottom. Slide it in, angle it, and pull up crumbs and gunk. Repeat.

Description : Does anyone have separate laundry baskets for clean and dirty clothes?

Last Answer : No.

Description : How do you clean light colored couches?

Last Answer : You are doomed, if it is a post-cleaning ring. Can you hide it with a throw pillow.