How do you keep clean while camping?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I don’t bother. We may as well all get stinky together. I week isn’t really a long time to have to wear clothes that haven’t been washed. If it was longer than a week then I’d search out a water source to do a PTA.

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Last Answer : Never heard of this. Can you tell us where you heard of such a strange apparatus?

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Last Answer : Before and after cooking, sometimes in between, after using the bathroom, after slaughtering someone Zatoichi style, after handling cleaning products while cleaning up my place and after cleaning the kitty litter.

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Last Answer : answer:You could take some anti-flatulence with the beans. (wikipedia) Or check here, where someone wrote a lot about this topic:

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Last Answer : Nufree. It doesn’t adhere to skin, so you can get out nose hairs, ear hairs, etc…with no pain. It’s good stuff.

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Last Answer : answer:Looks like this is common. But the backpack and shoes seem like a reasonable place to start. I get pretty bad ... would suggest removing the food from the freezer first. A night in the fridge won't hurt anything.